Romário also applies for the indictment against the business people William Pereira Rogatto and Thiago Chambó Andrade, also because of match fixing crimes. The CPI decided that businessman Bruno Lopez, who took part in participating in Match-Fixing, did not accuse the public prosecutor's office due to an agreement.
“This CPI showed that practically all the latest manipulation scandals are related to competitions with betting on isolated events, especially those who affect renowned athletes“Romário emphasizes in his report.
The Senator added that these one -time betting would make manipulations easier by players and criminal groups without absolutely influencing the result of the game. He campaigned for the restriction of this activity and recommended that sports companies to inform athletes about current legislation and possible punishments.
Proposed legislation
The final report proposes a constitutional change and three invoices to contain the manipulation of the game.
The proposed constitutional change does it for every citizen, before the parliamentary investigation committees (CPIs), including the possibility of using police members. This proposal was presented after the Federal Supreme Court (STF) of the states (STF) decided that the influencer Deolane Bezerra did not have to testify for game manipulation and sports betting on the CPI.
The first of the three proposed bills increases the punishment for the fraud crime in the results of a sports organizer of four to ten years in prison. The legislation also determines the crime of fraud on the betting market. There is a punishment for athletes who provide relevant information that is not revealed to the public that is used to achieve an advantage in this market. And defines the crime of disclosure or advertising unrealistic profits from bets.
The other recommended legislation provides mandatory notices that discourage gambling and warnings of its harmful effects, which are to be published by the operating.
In addition, the report proposes a third legislative template with which the goal of offering betting to isolated events that take place at sporting events.
All documentation created by the CPI must be shared to the federal police and the Union public prosecutor so that the investigation can be continued. The information is also sent to other institutions such as the civilian house and the ministries for finance, justice, sports and health so that everyone can take specific measures in connection with their respective areas.
Source: Agência Senado