The General Services Administration, which works with the Department of Government Efficiency of Elon Musk, has informed the landlords that federal authorities will end hundreds of rental contracts for offices and buildings in the coming months.
In a GSA planning document of March 10, the data is listed where many of the cancellations are expected.
This does not mean that all locations will close this data, but the agencies would either have to negotiate new rental contracts or move elsewhere if they remain open.
Agencies still find out what to do.
Several government offices in South Florida are on the list for rent stations on August 31, including:
- US agency for Global Media, Miami, Florida (35,927 square foot)
- US fish and wildlife service, Doral, Florida (7,747 square foot)
- Bureau of Indian Affairs, Hollywood, Florida (3,000 square foot)
- National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, Key Largo, Florida (7,993 Quadratfuß)
- National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, Sunrise, Fla. (1,858 square foot)
- National Park Service, Homestead, Florida (21,356 square foot)
Several other offices in all of Florida are on the list, including a National Park Service Office in Naples, a National Office for Internal Revenue Service in Sarasota and an office of Food and Drug Administration in Tallahasee.