
Lull results | UFC Fight Night: Vettori against Dolidze 2


Heavyweight: Waldo Cortes Acosta (261.5) against Ryan Spann (249)

Bantam weight

Bantam weight

Women's straw weight of women: Stephanie Luciano (116) against Sam Hughes (116)

Fighting week interviews: Marvin Vettori | Roman Dolidze | Sam Hughes | Elizeu Zaleski dos Santos | Da'mon blackshear | Andre Lima | Alexander Hernandez | Chidi njokuani | Cody Gibson | AJ Cunningham

Flying weight: Daniel Barez (126) against Andre Lima (126)

Bantam weight of women: Josiane Nunes (136) against Priscila Cachoeira (135)

Women's flying weight: Yuneisy Dube (125.5) against Carli Judice (125)

*Diyar Nurgozhay weighed over the light heavyweight limit of £ 206.

** Josias Musasa pounded above the bantam weight limit of 135 pounds.

*** Chidi Njokuani over the world weight of £ 171.