
The city of Greece

GRIECE, NY (WHAM) -In a 13 -Whamer examination of the Greece police, the case of which was referred to the Prosecutor's Prosecutor of Monroe, there is further new developments for a criminal investigation.

The officer Matthew Bachman is suspended in six department costs for allegations that he had on a payment vacation for an injury that he allegedly suffered during the service.

Further information: The Greece police officer in front of department accusations could be exposed to criminal investigations

According to the city of Greece, internal investigations by “civil complaints or internally created on the instruction of the police chief” can be initiated.

The city also confirmed that private investigators are used to help the investigation for internal matters, and the Department of Internal Affairs consists of the deputy boss, and additional support is required for complex examinations.

Three officials from the Greece police are currently paid for various reasons and “not necessarily disciplinary in nature”.

Bachman is the fourth official who is on vacation, but is also exposed to misconduct and insubordination without paying.

The internal investigation by the Greece police in relation to Bachman began in autumn 2023. It went on vacation in September.

The city claims “Mr. Bachman used evasive tactics when he left his home and driving, such as B. in circles and to blocks, apparently checking whether an investigator followed him. (Unusual behavior if they do not violate rules/laws.

The city said that Bachman needed additional support due to the “complex examination”.

13wham asked the city where it knew that Bachman was in the videos received by 13 Wham and supposedly showed him that he worked on a paid vacation. The city said videos “Regardless of witnesses (ES) were verified and identified, not only for plowing, but also as the sole driver of the vehicle in question.”

The city was unable to publish an official photo of Bachman due to an union contract and approval required by the employee.

The city said that Bachman's wife Tina was neither examined, nor was it pursued or persecuted as a lawsuit against the city claims.

More: The city of Greece is faced with a lawsuit for alleged vehicle persecution

The city said the investigation was based exclusively on Bachman's activities while it was not working on the city's work.

The Bachman family's lawyer claims that the allegations against Bachman by the city of Greece is wrong, and a cover -up in relation to a ongoing lawsuit submitted in February in which the city of GPS persecution devices have drawn up on the family's vehicles.
