
The University of Kansas on the list of the DEI examinations, but some changes have already been made

Lawrence, Kan. (KCTV) – On Friday, the educational department announced an investigation into more than 50 universities, which are examined as part of the Trump government's campaign to terminate diversity and inclusion programs for suspected racial discrimination.

Last month, the Ministry of Education sent a memo to the universities that could lose warnings for the federal money about “racial -based preferences” in approvals, scholarships or other aspects of student life.

The University of Kansas is one of the universities examined.

Take a look at the full list of the universities examined

KCTV5 FACT check examined what the university has already done in this direction.

The legislator of Kansas had already put state universities under pressure to make changes. The Kansas House Bill 2015 passed in April 2024. The law proposal forbids state universities and universities to take into account the diversity, equity and inclusion when hiring faculties, the assignment of students or the awarding of financial aid.

After the legislation had been passed, Ku announced the merger of resource centers: one would combine a single unit – the KU Student Engagement Center – about the gender diversity, a center for women and the office for multicultural affairs.

Nicole Hodges Persley, formerly vice -provost for diversity, justice, inclusion and belonging, now leads a new office for community effects. The aim of the office is to provide resources to ensure that everyone has the feeling of having a place at the university.