
May the criminal charges against Robert Morris give hope to the victims of sexual child abuse.

Cindy Cleminshire

“But somehow I know, only when it is dark enough you can see the stars.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

As Rachel Denhollander said to her perpetrator: “Little girls grow up.” Let me extend it to the boys. They too grow up and many finally report. The average age to report their abuse as children is 52, but many of the limitation periods (SOL) do not reflect this reality for misuse of abuse. Victims often only become a few years to report. Slowly, some states that demonstrate the reality of this terrible crime will change. Some countries such as Missouri are considering all SOL for sex abuse (CSA).

Time does not make the memories of this abuse. Victims of CSA from decades in the past can remember the details of this abuse and the clothes that they wore. It is as if her mind has taken a photo of this trauma, and the picture plays again and again during the decades. The question arises: “Do you remember where you were when the twin storms were hit by aircraft?” Trauma does that.

Robert Morris is charged and has an arrest warrant against his arrest and his passport.

When Cindy Cleminshire spoke to me, she was discouraged, but determined. She continued the struggle for justice, which would take for decades, and bravely rejected the pittanz, which was offered by Gateway and an NDA. She continued to accuse Robert Morris' lawyers that she was the attackers in the relationship at the ripe age of 12.

“It was her client,” wrote the lawyer J. Shelby Sharpe and referred to Clemishire at the age of 12, “initiated inappropriate behavior by coming to my customer's bedroom and came to bed with him, which my customer should not have happened.”

The current Attorney General of Oklahoma, Gentner Drummond, was a Republican lawyer in private practice that Cindy represented when she approached the gateway. Remarkably, he turned away from this investigation and examined his prosecutors whether a case could be done to complain about Morris. And they did it. A gap was found in Oklahoma Law. NBC News wrote how the OKLAHOMA's AG used a law on the border from the border to burden Robert Morris to the sex abuse scandal.

The public prosecutor's office switches what Drummond has described as a “extraordinarily unusual” application of a “very old law”, which is most frequently used in the persecution of cold cases. More than a century ago, when Outlaw Cowboys described the old west, which was moving between the states, Drumond said that Oklahoma and other border states implemented a provision that essentially a break – or tolls – the limitation period when someone commits a crime and then flees from the state.

… like the outside of the state of Marauders, which terrorized the cities in Oklahoma in the early 20th century, Morris did not live in Oklahoma, so Drummond found that his office found that the limitation period did not apply.

“Certainly this will be challenged in front of a court and we are ready to satisfy this challenge,” said Drummond. “I assume that the case law will ultimately exist in this case.”

Here is the original indictment.

Here is the arrest warrant for his arrest issued yesterday. He will have to give up his passport.

Here is the announcement of Oklahoma AG Gentner Drummonds.

“There can be no tolerance for those who sexually make children victim,” said Attorney General Gentner Drummond. “This case is all the more detested because the alleged perpetrator was a pastor who took advantage of his position. In this case, the victim has waited far too many years that justice happened. “

How much time could Morris get?

After an article in the Christian Post

The General Prosecutor's Office in Oklahoma announced that the Christian Post said that his punishment, which was charged against Morris more than 35 years ago, was limited to his punishment by the law applicable at the time.

“At that time, punishment was 1 to 20 years in prison. These other restrictions were not in force in the law, which at the time of Morris' alleged crimes, ”said Carrie Burkhart, deputy press spokeswoman for the Oklahoma office, the Attorney General.

Although this means that he could theoretically get 100 years in prison (20 years for each count), he will probably get a much shorter prison sentence with simultaneous sentences. Full Stop: If he is found guilty in criminal proceedings. I am also sure that his lawyers will try to get the “border law” out, but I think the state sounds greatly confident. I hope that he “goes up the river”. Cindy deserves justice.

There is hope for all victims of sexual child abuse.

Many years after her abuse, Cindy called me with little expectation of justice. Who knew that there was a gap because children (both boys and girls) were viewed as available and unimportant people in the millennia? The U.S. Ministry of Justice recorded sexual harassment of children: historical perspectives.

In the old days, which included approximately the time of the Greeks and Romans, adult children used children to relieve their sexual needs. Adults seduced and injured their children in an awkward and socially acceptable way. The medieval period, which extended from the rise of Christianity through the flowering of the Renaissance, saw the abuse of their children by parents. For the first time, guilt became an outstanding characteristic of mental life, and adults projected their sexual impulses onto the children. In the early modern period – the cover of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries – the feeling of guilt and shame increased to such a degree that incest could no longer be seen as an acceptable aspect of culture; It exploded in the pornographic scene and in the underworld while it was hidden from the “polite” society. In late modern times, sexual abuse of children has become an object of widespread clinical and state concern. Both abused children and abusive adults are considered a victim of a harmful cycle of cruelty and deprivation. Treatment and prevention are easier available.

I think we live in a time in the sex abuse of children of people on all sides of the political, judicial and religious spectrum. I have blogged on this topic (and others) on this topic this month and found an increase in interest and concern about CSA about 10 years ago. Think about it: After thousands of years there are concerns for those who have been abused as children. There are many other types of abuse, but I focus on CSA for this post.

  • We see that in some states the Lookback laws are implemented that enable the victims to pursue their perpetrator decades later. Some of these laws are unexpectedly adopted with little warning.
  • Criminal prosecution authorities, specialists for mental health, lawyers and legislators begin to understand that the average age for victims to discuss their CSA is 52 years old.
  • Expand some countries or even SOL for CSA.
  • The law is complex and sometimes there are gaps, as can be seen in Cindy Cleminshire's search for justice.
  • Criminal prosecutors said to some victims that they should keep an eye on the law because it changes.

When I started blogging, I (together with my husband) were afraid that people would get angry and discuss the names of pastors who either committed sex abuse for children or covered them (which is just as bad). In fact, this was also in the Baptist Church of Providence, where I saw a possible sex consumption of boys for the first time. In the early days I met young, calvinistic pastors, the sovereign Grace Ministries and the many allegations of CSA. I spoke to news media in the early days and tried to get them to examine certain cases of CSA, but was in silence.

Things change in this regard. The news media look closely at this story. Oklahoma's Attorney General says he should contact him if you are a victim of CSA in Oklahoma (55 Markus). A few years ago, I would not have imagined that a person in such a powerful position would even go out the concerns of those who were injured.

Listen Cindy. She did not believe that something would happen, but was held through for many years of discouragement. Her hope never died deep inside, even if the light of hope occasionally flickered. May it all be for all of them who are waiting and ask themselves whether it is worth the fight. May your hope be her strength.

Hope means to hope when things are hopeless or it is not a virtue at all … As long as the matters are really hopeful, hope is only Schmeichler or Plattituung; Only when everything is hopeless does hope begin to be a strength. – G. K Chesterton