
SpaceX starts relief crew for the impressed Starliner astronauts of NASA on ISS (video)

Cape Canaveral, Fla. – Failure! Four astronauts fly towards the International Space Station (ISS) to relieve the crew members who have been waiting for a journey home since last summer.

SpaceX started the endurance of the crew Dragon Capsule on a Falcon 9 rocket from the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) here to Floridas Space Coast. The mission called Crew-10, which was withdrawn from the KSC start complex-39a at 7:03 p.m., and the mission commander Anne McClain and the mission pilot Nichole Ayers, both from NASA, and mission specialist Takuya Onishi from JAPAN Aerospace Exploration Agences) and Kirill Peskov of the Russian Agencosmos) and Kirill Peskov of the Russian Agencos.

The quartet will be on the way on a six-month rotation on board the ISS and will be your crew colleagues, two of which on board the orbital laboratory for an unexpectedly long stay in June last June with the first mission of Boeing from Boeing's New Starliner SpaceCRAPT.

SpaceX 'Crew-10astronaut mission for NASA starts on March 14, 2025 to the international space station of the Kennedy Space Center. (Photo credit: NASA)

Crew-10 was originally supposed to come onto the market on Wednesday (March 12), but a hydraulic problem with soil equipment has sunk this experiment. The mission started today about half an hour before sunset. The fire from Falcon 9 of the mission shone over Florida's room coast for a gold hour.