
Mayor responds to the investigation of the city financing, defends the comment – WPXI

Pittsburgh-and Mayor of Pittsburgh, Ed Gainey, replies this evening after the district prosecutor of Allegheny County, Stephen Zappala, has announced 11 investigations that an investigation of the contracts without BID City is still active and continuous.

The mayor also said he was standing by his campaign comment, in which he described the district prosecutor as racist.

Previous reporting >>> Mayor Ed Gainey posts video that calls Stephen Zappala “racist”, who answer local managers

He gave no details about why he believes that Zappala is a racist.

Gainey also said that he had nothing to hide and would provide all the information that needs it.

Previous reporting >>> 11 Investigations: The mayor of the lies accuses the investigation of the town hall continues

Earle: He (the district prosecutor) said yesterday that he continued an investigation of the NO-BID contracts? Are you concerned about it? Is there anything to hide?

Mayor Gainey: No, I think everything, you know this Rick, you already know that, everything he ever asked about us gave him.

Mayor Gainey replied on Friday to the comments from Zappala on Thursday to an ongoing examination of no-bid contracts, including a $ 180,000 staff study of $ 180,000, from which Zappala said it had no substance.

Zappala also questioned the results of the personnel study, which pointed out that Pittsburgh had enough police officers.

“I'm not finished with the no-bid contracts. I only have it, it is much more important than that. Everything that is a financial problem, there is always a paper lane, you know, it is not, it is there, ”said Zappala.

Gainey, whose campaign has tried to collect money, also addressed payments worth 30,000 US dollars from his campaign account to a law firm for legal services and compliance.

While campaigns often rely on lawyers, political observers say that these payments are high for a mayor breed in Pittsburgh.

Earle interviewed Gainey about the payments.

Earle: Your campaign has paid a law firm two separate times for $ 15,000. What was that for?

Gainey: I just make sure that we do everything we need to be right. We would like to make sure that we are right in everything, you know that Rick, you know that I always take care of it. I am with my I's and cross my TS, and I think that's something that is of crucial importance for us to do this.

Gainey also appealed to a recent comment, which he made on the campaign path via Zappala.

“I said that he was a racist. I don't support them there, ”said Gainey during a campaign appearance published on social media.

Earle asked Gainey about his comment, who was made before Zappala's interview on Thursday.

Earle: Is the district prosecutor racist?

Gainey: I said what I said and I'll leave it with this Rick. I appreciate it.

Earle: Why would you go on this point? Is there anything that has promoted or provoked because he hasn't talked about you for some time?

Gainey: I mean, Rick, we have made an explanation and I will leave it there. It was around 2023, it was around 2023, and I supported Matt, Mr. Dugan, and I think there are many Democrats in this region at the end of the day who understand where I come from and appreciate.

On Thursday, Earle Zappala asked about the mayor's comment.

“I am in politics. This is politics. I am a public figure so that you can lie over me. I mean, I understand it. I understand it. It is tougher for my wife, ”said Zappala, who previously met with Gainey about public security in the city center and the falling number of police officers from Pittsburgh.

Zappala also said Earle that he had never had a conversation with Gainey.

Last week after the mayor's comment came to light, his campaign made an explanation that provided more context about the comment.

“It is no secret of the mayor and many, many western PA. Democrats have been disapproving of the republican actions for a long time – and campaigned against him for the democratic candidate Matt Dugan. At a time when Trump rolls back the protection of civil rights that have been cheered on by white supremacists, the Democrats cannot be afraid of calling a spade as a spade and standing up for the constitutional rights of our voters. “

It was a few difficult months for Gainey because he faces a difficult re -selection of the Allegheny County Controllers Corey O'Connor, who has collected significantly more money in some surveys and also leads from double -digit digits.

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