
911 call from Idaho Murders published

Who were Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Ethan Chapin and Xana Kernodle?

Kaylee Goncalves21, 21 Madison Mogen21, 21 Xana Kernodle20, and your friend Ethan Chapin20, were students from the University of Idaho who lived in an apartment outside the campus.

On November 12, 2022 – the night in front of her bodies – gonclaves and Mogen were in a nearby sports bar, while Kernodle and Chapin were at the laternity celebration of the latter. On November 13th at 2 a.m., the four roommates and Chapin were back in the three -story rental house.

Goncalves was a leading main subject in general studies at the College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences. It was expected to graduate in December before after Austin, Texas, for a job in a marketing company, her girlfriend Jordyn Quesnell told The New York Times.

Mogen, who studied marketing, has been best friends with Gonglaves since the sixth grade. She had plans to move to Boise after graduation, family friend Jessie Frost divided with The Idaho Stasman.

Kernodle was a junior focus in marketing, the university said at that time. She and Chapin – who studied on relaxation, sports and tourism management – have been together since spring, the neighbor of the roommates Ellie McKnight told NBC News.