
Tips for reducing your doctor calculation: NPR

Just because a medical invoice arrives in the post does not mean that you have to pay this exact price. The NPR LIFE KIT offers tips for removing, reducing or negotiating a drug calculation.

Mary Louise Kelly, host:

In the United States, medical debt as a whole is over 200 billion US dollars, which sounds overwhelming. Today we are pursuing a practical approach to the topic because there is a well -kept secret about the astronomical dollar amounts for your doctor bills.

Jared Walker: You are wrong numbers. They can be negotiated.

Kelly: This is Jared Walker, founder of the non -profit dollar for. He says these bills can also be inaccurate and they may not have to pay them at all depending on the income. The Life Kit host Marielle Segarra has more.

Marielle Segarra, Byline: Walker says that if you receive a drug calculation, you should first find out whether you qualify for a so -called charity. According to the federal law, non -profit hospitals must have these guidelines.

Walker: To keep your non -profit status, you need to offer patients free or reduced care within a certain income area. As a rule, a guideline will testify so that you are 300% of the federal poverty directive in or below.

Segarra: Unfortunately, nothing is uncomplicated in this process. Depending on the hospital and sometimes in the state in which they are located, the income loss for the charity organization. Your hospital, too, cannot volunteer that you do not deal for charitable purposes for charitable purposes at all. To learn more, find a web search for your hospital name and the financial expression values ​​and find the application.

Walker: Usually it is like two sides. Who are you? Who do you live with? Where do you work How much money do you earn? And it is how, then they prove it – proof of income, pay stubs, tax returns and all of this. They fill out all of this and send it to the hospital through the crazy way as they do, normally via fax or post or whatever. And then you can wait a few weeks and then just check in as often as you want. I usually bother them very much.

Segarra: Incidentally, non -profit hospitals often also have these guidelines, even though they are not obliged according to the federal law. If you do not qualify for the charity, the next step is to ask the hospital for a listed invoice and to look at everything. Did you actually have this procedure? Walker says it is common to find mistakes.

You may also find things on your bill that are exactly, but how an overload seems like $ 100 for a few bandages or aspirin. Note them and bring them to the billing office. Even if your calculation is technically correct, you can negotiate. One way to do this – if you have savings and can afford to pay something in advance, call the Billing office and ask what is the billing amount.

Walker: How can you take now if I can close this account? Usually we can get 30 to 50% discount by just asking that. If I am currently paying it, what can I be lowered from this invoice?

Segarra: If you cannot afford this approach, you can still negotiate. Ask what you can do to reduce the invoice. And you can apply a payment plan. This is usually better than the debts on your credit card, since hospitals often do not calculate interest.

Finally, remember that this is a long game. You can't get there anywhere with the first couples, but put it on or ask a family member or a friend to help you. And remember that the doctor bills may seem urgent, especially if they are due after receipt, but have a lot of time before they are sent to collections or that they influence their credit.

Walker: There is no feeling of urgency, you have to pay for it now. You can take a deep breath, get a plan and go from there.

Segarra: I am Marielle Segarra for NPR News.

Kelly: And for more life kit you can go to

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