
Mother of the teenager who is accused of shot by Marta bus driver over $ 2.50

Dekalb County, Ga.-Die Prosecutor's Office of Dekalb County, has dropped all the charges against a 14-year-old and 16-year-old who was arrested for murder to Marta bus driver Leroy Ramos.

However, the case will progress for the 16-year-old Kenneth Wilcox, who will be accused of shot Ramos on January 3.

Lathelma Kelly, the mother of Wilcox and the nurse of the other two teenagers, now speaks and says her son protected his cousins ​​at night that happened.

“We are here to make the story known on the day that the incident took place. My sons were victims,” ​​said Kelly.

According to the investigators, the teenagers get into a dispute over a bus driving price with Ramos. They say the argument went out of the bus, where it escalated in a physical argument.

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Then Wilcox Ramos allegedly shot several times.

Wilcox's lawyer, Rita Tucker Williams, claims that her client paid the bus driving price and that Ramos was the attacker.

“He said:” Stand. “And when she got out, he followed them and said:” I'll turn you off, “said Williams.

The teenagers and ramos can be seen in cell phone videos that were recorded by a witness from that night. Another Marta employee holds Ramos back before shooting.

“Nobody advocates that something should happen to him … We just want the chance to present the evidence and say that the life of these children is important,” said Williams.

Super Channel 2 Action News This explanation on her de -escalation policy.

“Marta has a strict de -escalation policy that is supposed to protect the operators from violence that does not go beyond the scope of their position as a bus operator and is left to enforce rules for the Marta police. All operators continue to receive de-escalation training and throughout their work during their onboarding process. “

Trend stories:

Channel 2 Action News Ashli ​​Lincoln Previously reported on two Marta bus drivers who were released to defend themselves against a passenger.

Labarron Morgan was not only released, but Marta raised him against him after saying that he answered himself during an incident of 2021 when a unruly passenger pointed a weapon on him.

Former transit operator John Harrison told Lincoln that he was also released and accused of defending himself against an aggressive passenger on the platform in 2019.

Ramos' Mrs. Monique Ramos informed this explanation Channel 2 Action News Brittany Kleinpeter In response to these latest claims:

“My heart is very difficult for everyone involved … and I pray for everyone … I leave everything that has to be done in the hands of who does it best.”

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