
Falling Tree accused suspect for a depressed power line that may have caused Gardner Feuer

Gardner, Kan. (KCTV) – A falling tree caused by strong winds was held responsible for a depressed powerline that may have started a nearby house fire in Gardner.

The Fire District 1 by Johnson County, Kansas, says that on Friday, March 14th, around 4:30 p.m., an emergency team in the area of ​​the N. Center and E. Washington St. in Gardner were called with reports on a lowered power line. Callers said a falling tree tore the power line down.

When the crews reacted to the dilapidated line, Send reported that the call had been upgraded to a house fire when smoke began to wake up from the house. However, when they arrived, no smoke or flames could be seen outside.

When firefighters were further examined, a small fire was found in the house and quickly deleted.

The investigators found that the caller was at home at the time of the fire, but luckily no injuries were reported. The cause of the fire remains examined.

In the meantime, the emergency crews stated that the city and public work of the city of Gardner contributed to removing the power line and tree carriers in order to clear the road and the sidewalk. Strong winds were held responsible for the collapse of the tree.

No further information was published.