
GoodView Fire Department announces Chief Jason Gruett's death

The GoodView fire brigade announced Chief Jason Gruett's death at the beginning of this week.

Firefighters said that the 51 -year -old Gruett died in his house on Wednesday. The department said he was a firefighter for 19 years and served as the boss in the past seven years.

“Chief Gruett left huge boots to fill her. If someone needed help, he was there “
GoodView Mayor Ben Klinger, who worked with Gruett for several years than the
Former deputy fire chief. “Chef Gruett was the most caring and generous person we have
ever met. He would give the shirt from his back to a stranger. “

The family and the fire brigade ask that the public respect their privacy at that time.

“A huge hole was left in our department,” said the deputy fire chief Matt Kramer. “We
Are shocked and mourn with the family of Chief Gruett. “

On Thursday afternoon on Thursday afternoon, Rochester took place in goodView in a funeral company.

Gruett's funeral will take place on March 20. Further information will be published on Monday.