
The crews react to Gloucester Market Basket Fire – Boston News, Weather, Sport

Gloucester, mass. (WHDH) – The crews reacted to a fire that broke out on the market basket in Gloucester.

Firefighters say that the flames broke out on the Gloucester Crossing Road shortly before 8:30 p.m.

Employees in the building say that a fire broke out and the flames grew quickly.

Management reacted quickly, sounded the fire alarm and evacuated the shop.

“Suddenly I smoke smoke. I looked out of the door and there is smoke everywhere, ”said Dale Harris, an employee in the shop. “All I saw was just a number of flames. They grew bigger and bigger by minute. “

“Everyone says, so we just leaked,” said a customer. “It started to smoke within five minutes. When we got out, we had to evacuate even further away because it got so bad. “

Officials say that the fire started on the charging cock and the crews examine the scene.

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