
The legislators in Florida are once again pushing for the left -average camping ban. But can it happen to Desantis?

Tallahassee, Fla. -The legislators in Florida are once again urging the left camping on the highways of the state, although they may be exposed to an obstacle on their crusade: governor Ron Desantis.

The problem occurred during the legislative period of last year, with the sponsor of the law of the state MP Jenna Personal-Mulicka, R-78-on the question of drivers who disturb the flow of traffic by keeping the left lane up.

At the moment it is legal to promote the speed limit in the left lane of the highway, even when it comes to keeping traffic. A left -wing sports motorhome can at most be led to hindrance to the traffic flow if faster vehicles are stacked behind the driver car.

“On a street, a street or a motorway with two or more lanes that enable a movement in the same direction, a driver cannot continue to operate a motor vehicle in the left lane if the journey should know or reasonably know that it is overhauled by a motor vehicle at a higher speed in this lane,” says Florida.

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As Trooper Steve explains, however, it is not the best idea to stay on the left lane, as this lane is usually intended for slower cars – not Maintain speed.

As a result, the legislators of the state unanimously voted for the approval of the legislation last year, although it was ultimately lodged together with two further legislation after it had hit the desk from Desantis.

In his veto letter, Desantis wrote the following explanation for why he made the decision:

“With limited exceptions, this calculation prohibits the driver of a motor vehicle, on the most left road in Florida with two or more lanes and a speed limit of at least 65 miles per hour. Violations would be guilty of a moving injury and a fine of up to 158 US dollars would be done.

The language of this calculation is too wide and could lead to the drivers run over in Florida, driven with a ticket and be occupied for driving on the most left lane, even if they do not hinder the flow of traffic or only a few or no other cars in the immediate area.

In addition, the invoice could possibly increase the traffic jams in the urban areas in Florida, since the drivers may not be able to choose that the most broadest left lane on the left of fear of becoming a ticket.

For these reasons, I hold back my consent of HB 317 and hereby make the same thing. “

Florida governor Ron Desantis (2024)

Nevertheless, the legislators of the state again urge the ban on transport to enforce.

The bills (HB 545 and SB 636) were submitted last month and prohibited the drivers to stay in the left lane on a street or a highway with a speed limit of at least 65 miles per hour.

However, exceptions to this rule contain the following situations:

  • Overtake or hand over another vehicle

  • Prepare preparation for the street, street or motorway

  • Drive past so that an emergency vehicle can drive past

  • To avoid disabled vehicles, emergency vehicles, road vehicles or pedestrians after the “change” of Florida's “coating on” laws
  • Instructed to do this from an official traffic control device

  • Environmental or traffic conditions required

These new invoices largely have the same effects as the proposal of the past year. Therefore, it remains to be seen whether Desantis will approve the application.

If they were approved and signed in the law, the changes would come into force on January 1, 2026.

In the meantime, Trooper Steve made his attitude to legislation available last year.

“It is nice to have something in writing that gives the law enforcement officers the tool to actually enforce this,” said Montiero. “In contrast to the current SMS and drive law, this gives the law enforcement officers the opportunity to prevent crashes and keep traffic in motion.”

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