
“To keep a women's batte thousands of thousands of my life”

A US influencer that was filmed when he removed a wild baby from his desperate mother in Australia, said her “really sorry” and received thousands of death threats about the incident.

Sam Jones, who calls himself a “outdoor enthusiast and Hunter”, was filmed when he picked up the Joey on the side of the road while he laughed and ran to a car while the mother hunted after them.

It triggered a huge counter -reaction when the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese asked her to “take a baby crocodile from his mother and see how to go there”.

In a long statement On your Instagram pageJones says she tried to get the animals safely off the street.

She said, as can be seen in the video, that the mother is running off the street, but not the baby, and Jones shovels. She says she came across the street “not to tear away the Joey from his mother, but of fear that she could attack me”.

“The quick judgment that I made in these moments never came from a place to damage or steal a Joey,” the explanation said.

She said that the video was “neither staged nor for entertainment”, and in her excitement of the moment it was too fast and failed to give the viewers the necessary context online “.

In the second part of her explanation, Jones started a devastating attack on the Australian animal circulation laws, including Wombats, kangaroos, horses, deer and pigs.

Australia has various equipment laws and regulations that trigger controversy and share the nation.

Wombats, which are native to Australia, are a protected way, but can be preserved to collect them if they are considered necessary.

A The online petition to support your deportation received more than 40,000 signatures. Minister of interior matters, Tony Burke, said his department checked whether it could revoke Jones' visa. However, the BBC understands that it left the country on its own.

Jones, who also bears the name Samantha Strable, has more than 95,000 followers on Instagram.

Conservationists warned that Jones' “horrific” behavior could harm the Wombats.

The Wombat Protection Society said that it was shocked to see that the “abuse of a Wombat Joey in an obvious snapshot for” social media likes “”.

“[She] Then the baby in need of protection put back on a country road – it may have been the risk of becoming Roadkill, ”stated in his explanation and added that it was unclear whether the Joey was reunited with his mother.

“I caught a baby Wombat,” said Jones in the video while hissing Joey and fighting on her handle.

The man films can hear laughing: “Look at the mother, you chase away!”

In her caption in the post that was now deleted, it was: “My dream of keeping a Wombat was realized! Baby and mother slowly waddled back into the bush.”

“Overall, the baby was carefully held for one minute and then published on mom again”, she wrote in the comments and answered criticism.

“They went into the bush together, which is completely intact. I never insert wild animals that are damaged by my TU.”

Jones criticized animal rights organizations. People for the ethical treatment of animals or PETA described the video as “wild content” and asked people to “treat the treatment of wild animals as prop”.