
Raging brushfire caught in front of the camera under very dry conditions

Vestaburg, Michigan. – Firefighters in West Michigan fought for several brushes on Friday evening and on Saturday morning, which had burned several acres in the northeast of Montcalm County.

The video, which was shared by Mikki Jo Palmer with WZZM, shows a large forest area and a brush on the Lake Montcalm Road near Vestaburg. In the video you can see flames that rise over the trees and stand in flames several smaller trees, bushes and brushes near the street. The road was lined with fire engines, including one that can be sprayed near flames with a water cannon nearby.

This fire broke out on Friday evening around 9 p.m. and was brought under control a few hours later. It is assumed that nobody was injured and it is unclear whether there was loss of ownership.

Fire were also reported near Grand Haven and Cedar Springs on Friday evening and Saturday morning.

Despite a round rain in the early Saturday morning, dry, warmer and windier conditions on Saturday are likely to keep the risk of fire. There are currently combustion permit restrictions throughout the state, and fire record cards have a “very high” risk of forest fires.