
Tornado Watch VS Tornado Warning

We expect storms this weekend in our area. It is important to know the difference between a tornado warning and a tornado watch: Tornado warning: A tornado warning is exhibited when a tornado is displayed by radar or weather spotters. If a tornado warning is issued for your region, you should search for protection immediately. A tornado warning can also be issued without a tornado clock being in force. Tornado warnings are usually exhibited for a period of about 30 minutes. The NWS said that a Tornado clock was usually exhibited for a period of four to eight hours. It is usually output far from the actual occurrence or the storm.

We expect storms this weekend in our area.

It is important to know the difference between a tornado warning and a tornado watch:

Tornado warning:

A tornado warning is issued when a tornado is displayed by radar or by weather spotters. If a tornado warning is issued for your region, you should search for protection immediately. A tornado warning can also be issued without a tornado clock being in force. Tornado warnings are usually exhibited for a period of about 30 minutes.

Tornado clock:

A tornado clock is exhibited by the National Weather service if the conditions for the development of tornados in and near the watch area are favorable. The NWS said that a Tornado clock was usually exhibited for a period of four to eight hours. It is usually output far from the actual occurrence or the storm.