
Information for volunteers after storm damage in Oakland City | Indiana

Oakland City, Ind. (WEVV) – Instructions for volunteers who want to help in the community in Oakland City, according to difficult weather, were created.

“In Gibson County in the Oakland City area and the rural area of ​​Francisco we have extensive damage,” said Bruce Vanoven, Sheriff of Gibson County, through the area after the storm on Friday evening to Saturday morning.

According to Sheriff Vanoven, the damage in Oakland City encompasses trees, power lines and electricity pylons.

While the sheriff breeded the public not to get to surveys, volunteers are welcomed to support the clean -up work.

Anyone who is interested in volunteer work should report to the Oakland fire department to check for the first time and, according to Sheriff's Office, go down over 357. Do not park in front of the fire doors, but instead park in the land on the other side of the street.

The sheriff asks them that everyone who is interested in reporting to the fire brigade first before they go directly to an active scene.