
Digikam 8.6 was published with the AI ​​integration of the AI ​​integration

The KDE-oriented Digikam Photo Management software is published today with version 8.6. With Digikam 8.6, the open source photo manager has worked to improve his AI integration of artificial intelligence (AI).

The Digikam software has already used AI to automatically recognize faces, and there are improvements with the V8.6 version. Face Management framework was rewritten for better performance, with the facial detector of false -positive aspects, and there is a new facial classifier.

Digikam 8.6 was published with the AI ​​integration of the AI ​​integration

The Digikam 8.6 version also improves auto-tag management for the automatic marking of various elements contained in pictures. The auto -tagging is now faster and more precise and uses the models YOLOV11 NANO, YOLOV11 Xlarge and Eefivientennet B7.

Further improvements in Digikam 8.6 are a better correction of red eyes, the update of QT 6.8.1 toolkit and other dependency updates. There are also many corrections and other improvements.

Downloads and further details on all changes with Digikam 8.6 about the publication announcement on