
Easter 2025: Discover the date and traditions of vacation!

Easter is usually connected to chocolates and egg hunts, but behind this vacation there is also a rich history. Explore the true origins of Easter that extend over popular traditions and religious celebrations.

For many, the Easter weekend is primarily a time of celebrating and collecting and brings together children and adults for joyful moments. However, this day is of particular importance for Christians because it is reminiscent of a decisive event in the life of Jesus Christ. Let us immerse yourself with the traditions and symbols associated with Easter.

What is the date of Easter in 2025?

Easter is celebrated in 2025 on Sunday, April 20. As is a tradition, Easter always falls on a Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. While the day of the week remains constant, the actual date varies depending on the lunar cycles, not in our usual solar calendar.

The Easter Monday follows the next day April 21, 2025. This is a holiday in France and offers a long weekend to enjoy the celebrations.

What is the origin of Easter for Christians?

For Christians, Easter is a main festival that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus that is the cornerstone of their faith. It originally marks the end of the Holy Week, which tells the last days of Christ from his last sacrament (the Cenacle) until his crucifixion and funeral. This celebration symbolizes the victim of Jesus, intellectual renewal and the confirmation of the Christian faith.

What does the word Easter mean?

The term “Easter” comes from the Hebrew word “Pesach”, which means “passage” and refers to the Jewish Festival of the Passahfest (also called Pesach). The Christians later accepted this term and added an “S” to form the word “Easter”, as it is known today.

What are the traditions of Easter?

Worldwide, Easter traditions vary greatly. In France, some customs include:

Easter bunnies. In East France and Germany it is this long -eared creature that distributes chocolate eggs to children. This tradition was created in southern Germany, where historically meat was not consumed during Lent. Rabbits that multiply in the fields during this time symbolized the renewal. They were connected to Easter eggs in the 17th century.

Decorated Easter eggs. This custom comes from the Middle Ages when it was forbidden to consume eggs during Lent. In order to prevent waste, people only ate eggs during the middle of the lent, made pancakes and donuts with them and then decorate the eggs laid out in the following days to give them away at Easter.

Chocolate eggs. By the 18th century, people began to empty eggs to fill them as gifts with chocolate. The practice of producing chocolate forms only appeared in the 19th century with progress in manufacturing techniques.

Easter bells. The popular tradition is of the opinion that the bells that Rome left on Holy Thursday bring and call the eggs on Easter morning to announce the resurrection of Jesus. In East France, storks or rabbits sometimes replace bells as suppliers of Easter eggs.

Easter egg hunt. Traditionally, Easter eggs and other chocolates are hidden in gardens, houses or apartments that children can find. These hunts usually appear on Easter Sunday morning.

What Easter activities can be carried out with children?

Easter is also a children's party! Craft activities And DIY projects Are great opportunities to entertain them. From the colors of rabbits, to produce chicks at home, to decorate cakes to sending personalized cards … and of course the essentials Easter egg huntwhich can be organized outdoors in the garden, in a park or in a field as well as in the house. Here are all of ours Easter activities:

What is to eat for Easter Easter?

Lamb is the star ingredient of the main meal. From leg to shoulder and ribs, lamb is prepared and enjoyed in different ways. Explore how you cook this meat and with what dishes it should combine. Our Delicious recipe ideas:

Our Easter decoration ideas for the table and home

Easter decorations are equally important. For that they rely on DIY to create Easter bells Nice with cardboard boxes or craft Place tickets for the tableor evenly Hase -shaped napkin folds.

You can unleash your creativity and decorate your home and table with a variety of decorative items for do-it-yourself.