
Take pride – Park record

Legislators in Utah may have passed a legislative template for the ban on pride flags in schools and government buildings, but let us be clear – this will not silence us and will not stop our work.

Those of us in the LGBTQ+ Community, together with our allies, remain steadfast in our purpose: to educate, clarify and promote a world that hugs all people, no matter who they are.

If at all, this ban only strengthens our determination. The Pride flag has always been a powerful symbol, but it is not the basis of our movement – we are. We stand together and now we are relying on each other more than ever. And we ask our allies to increase, speak and show their support in a new and sensible way.

Don't make a mistake: on June 1st a Pride flag will be raised. Maybe not in the Miner's Hospital, maybe not on a state property, but it will fly high and it means more than ever.

Because our pride is not something that can be put away. We'll get up. We are seen. And we will continue to fight for the future we earn.

Cami Richardson
