
Denzel Washington gives the Ministry of the Deion Sanders team in Colorado the Ministry


Colorado's football coach, Deion Sanders, hired a special guest on Thursday to give his team in Boulder advice and inspiration. However, this was not an ordinary minister.

This was Denzel Washington, who appeared live about video and asked Colorado players for more than 30 minutes. The famous actor recently received his license as a minister in New York. On Thursday, he preached the Buffaloes about his own life, including the use of drugs as teenagers in New York and even went home to drink when he did not win an Oscar as an actor.

The 70 -year -old Washington also spoke about how he “flown out of college” and on March 27, 1975 sitting in his mother's beauty salon when a woman told him that he would “travel around the world and preach millions of people”.

“And now 50 years later I get the opportunity with the University of Colorado football team to really practice it when I practice it with you,” said Washington, as documented by Thee Pregame Network, the Sanders and the Cu soccer program recorded. “I preach you or you not to you. I share my experiences with you. “

What else did Denzel say?

He said his favorite film was his “next film” because he is an opportunity to get better. But he said a film seems to be particularly resonance in people.

“More people are now talking about” The Equalizer “than all other films that I have put together,” said Washington. “I don't know what it is. You like it when I killed people. “

The team triggered this to laugh, but Washington also spoke about knowing murderers in real life.

He said he had shot “dope” when he was 13 years old and also sold drugs, including cocaine. Once he said he was almost caught with a needle in his arm in the bathroom in his private school, but “God's grace” sent him on another way.

“I'm not a murderer, but I grew up with murderers,” said Washington. “I saw people killed. I was on the night when they were killed with a few of them. That is life. “

One of his topics was to show this college player that he was once where they were – and tried to find his way. At some point he even asked the team in which the players had a average grades or worse.

When he saw a player got up, Washington asked: “Ok, are you the kicker?”

“No, sir,” replied the player.

“I had C classes or less because I had no instruction,” said Washington. “I'll tell you that too. You don't need to know if you are 17, 18, 19 years old, what you will do the rest of your life. It's okay. “

He announced that he didn't know in Fordham even during his college years. He even tried biology and journalism before choosing drama.

Why did Denzel Washington speak to Colorado players?

He knows Sanders, who called him “the greatest actor ever”. Sanders' team opened the spring exercises on Tuesday and practiced for the second time on Thursday.

A sum swept through the meeting room when Sanders put him on the big video screen.

Among other things, Washington told the team how he was nominated nine times as an actor for an Oscar as an actor, but sometimes climbing down when he didn't win.

“I had trust until they called the other person's name,” he told the team. “Then I went home and drank and hit the floor. And I was bitter. We are people. They all have potential. They all have a purpose. Football is a platform for its real purpose. They all have potential. The cemeteries are filled with people who have never fulfilled their potential. You have to get everything you can from your body, your mind and mind. “

Sanders later told them the PREGAME show that he heard of managers in Tubi, the streaming site, of managers that they were trying to redesign the film “Remember the Titans” with Washington and themselves. It is not clear whether he joked. Washington played in this sports drama published in 2000.

Denzel Washington also asked questions

One player asked him who grew up his heroes. Washington said his sports heroes had returned Gale Sayers and Jim Brown.

Assistant coach Andre Hart asked him how he focused on his next film or project after receiving so much praise for his earlier work.

“If you pray for rain, you also have to deal with the mud, but after all, good things grow out of this mud,” said Washington.

He said, “power and privileges, fame and wealth” are not what they “make up” for.

“Don't rely on this world for your happiness,” said Washington.

Denzel Washington talks about social media

Washington found that the current generation of players in the culture of social media “see me” grew up. He noticed that he was not on Instagram, Facebook or Tiktok.

“I have nothing of it, but one thing we have in common, you and I are potential,” he said. “One thing that we have in common is the purpose. One thing we … all have in common is a platform. And one thing that we all have in common is the ability given by God. Use it. Share it. Appreciate it. Understand it. You don't have to know now, but understand that you will be placed on this planet for a purpose, each of you. “

“Where is the QB?”

At the beginning of the meeting, Washington asked: “Who is the star of the team?”

“I've never seen it actually be played,” he said. “I saw the highlights, sports center. Where is the QB? Lift your hand. I can not see you. “

Washington apparently didn't know that Sanders' son Shedur was no longer in a team. Shedur Sanders has prepared for the NFL design next month.

When another quarterback appeared as an answer, said Washington: “This is your son?”

The players laughed.

“He graduated,” said Deion Sanders about his son.

“As I say, I don't know,” said Washington.

It was not a big deal, just another memory that fame is fleeting. Not everyone follows the lives of everyone else, even if they are famous.

Denzel Washington prediction for Colorado players

Washington also reminded her that critics will try to bring them down when they are successful.

“This world will not love you,” he said. “You won't cheer you on. They hate your trainer, he is one of the greatest, but they hate him. Some do it. There will always be haters. This does not matter in her community, in her house, in her dormitory, in the field. But they all have the potential to be great men. “

Colorado concludes spring practice with his annual spring game on April 19. After the Buffaloes were 9: 4 record last season, open the season on August 29 against Georgia Tech.

Washington ended his conversation with a kind of prediction.

“If you don't send me a ticket for the national championship, when you arrive there, you will no longer go to any of my films,” said Washington. “Because I know you will be there. Remember. Denzel Washington said it. They go to the national championship. Now some of them may not go with this team, but they go to the national championship in life anyway. “

Follow Reporter Brent Schrotenboer @crotenboer. E -mail:

(This story has been updated to add new information.)