
The world is watching our GOP leaders

Do we lose our democracy? Maybe we are – unless …

And that's that unless I want to emphasize that.

I understand why President Donald Trump won his close lead in the elections last November. I understand why many disgusted people voted for him. They said the prices were too high and that the government did not respond to their needs. And they feared that the situation would get worse.

Many cannot afford houses as their parents could. And they see that the rich are those responsible. Some have even learned that only three Americans have more prosperity than the entire lower half of our society. And we have almost 800,000 homeless people in our nation.

So many people voted for changes – including disgusted young men whose voices were 56% for Donald Trump.

They wanted to believe his wrong claims and lies. He told them he would do their lives better by lowering prices and swearing out of our federal government.

Now I suspect that we are in danger of losing our democracy – unless and until Republicans recognize in the congress that they have brought us into our current situation. I blame for our situation.

However, I still believe that the majority of our Republicans are honorable people in the congress who want the best for our nation. And I understand that you feel squeezed to ensure loyalty between the desire to ensure your party and Trump – in contrast to your personal values ​​and principles that tend to be in a different direction.

And some were threatened by convinced Trump supporters who tend to violate violence.

But these honorable republican members of the congress know that Trump is common and that many of his claims were wrong. Nevertheless, they continued to support him because they want to keep their comfortable jobs in Washington.

Now you have to choose. Do you want to keep our democracy or do you want to lose it?

This decision is based exclusively on the actions of the Republicans in the Congress.

  • They know that it is wrong to support Ukraine in their war against Russia.
  • You know that Russia was the attacker at the beginning of the war and that Donald Trump goes in the wrong direction to act Putin as a buddy.
  • You know that a US failure to stay a leader in NATO is a dangerous step.
  • You know that cuts in the Ministry of Justice, FBI, CIA and Pentagon undermine our national security and expose us cyber attacks and other sabotage.
  • You know that the end of background exams for those who have received access to our classified secrets could mean some of our friends abroad.
  • You know that the dismissal of many employees in the public service was unjustified and led to our health, science and research agencies reduce the services.
  • You know that Trump does not have the right to end the USAIS program or to freeze its assets.
  • They know that children and others die while they are lifelong aids in camps.
  • You know that Trump's tariffs will create high inflation.
  • You know that the expansion of Trump's tax cuts will be Millions of people cost their houses, health, jobs, food and so many services to which our citizens rely on.
  • And finally you can see how the trump regimes's actions affect their voters and veterans, their friends, neighbors and even some of their family members.

But everything it takes to strengthen our democracy is a core group of respected republican leaders to form a rescue in our democracy caucus who says Trump that he goes into the wrong instructions.

The world is observed and waits for whether the Republicans will finally react to their true values ​​and principles in the congress.

Now it is time to show that they have spines.

Darrell Berkheimer is a retired journalist whose career includes 60 years. In the 1970s and 1980s he was editor and news editor at The Daily Herald, Provo. He also filled newspaper editors positions in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Texas and New Mexico and is the author of several essay books. Contact him [email protected].