
Vandalism in Baps initiates examinations | Community News

Spray painting news, including one in which “Death for Hindus” found, were scribbled on a monument, a brick wall and the sidewalk in the Hindu temple of the Chino Hills Baps on March 7, which is afraid of the BAPS community.

Surveillance video, which was recorded by cameras on the property of the baps, showed two people who spray in the southeastern corner of Monte Vista Avenue and Fairfield Ranch Road Graffitti around 11:15 p.m.

On Wednesday morning, there are still weak traces of the words in the three areas to see how the Baps -voluntary Ronak Patel from Chino shows.

The graffiti contained the words “F-modes” on the wall and the sidewalk and referred to the Indian Prime Minister named Narendra Modi, and the graffiti that were painted on the monument explained: “Death of modes and death to the Hindus”.

“Anyone who marks or writes on a wall says the death of a faith, be it Hinduism, Judaism or Christianity, is aimed at faith for his faith. We would classify this as a hate crime, ”said Patel.

Al Girard, the Chino Hills police captain, said the incident was examined as a hate crime because it looks as if the law was committed in whole or in part because of the religion and/or nationality of the victim who violated the California Code 422.6 (b).

“The investigators of Chino Hills came into contact with members of the FBI to determine whether they are able to provide information that is helpful for the investigation,” said Captain Girard.

Mr. Patel said it was the first incident of this kind in the Baps Temple in Chino Hills, but in the past 15 months two more Baps mandirs were hit with the same kind of news.

On September 15, 2024, the Baps Temple in Melville, New York, was hit, and ten days later the Baps Temple in Sacramento was geared towards political messages that were aimed at Prime Minister Modi.

On Sunday, March 9th, the BAPS community, the mayor of Chino Hills, Art Bennett and Council member Ray Marquez and Cynthia Moran, was a hastily arranged prayer for peace equipment by the BAPS event for Peace events, which was described by the BAPS community, the Mayor of Chino Hills.

“We judge the act committed against the Babaps Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in our city and vandalism,” said Mayor Bennett. “This temple is not just a house of worship, but an estimated place in our community.”

Mr. Patel said: “Baps is part of the community. Attack on the temple is like the attack on the entire community.”

Those with information about the incident (909) 364-2000 or anonymously can call the WE-TIP hotline at (800) 782-7463.