
WWE Smackdown result: Carmelo Hayes paid the prize for the disregard of Randy Orton, saved by Kevin Owens

Randy Orton started for the first time since his return after his injury. He received a great reception from the crowd of Spain, the Randy Orton's voices sang. He returned to WWE in the Elimination Chamber in 2025 to save Sami Zayn and punish Kevin Owens. Kevin Owens carried out the forbidden package pile leader on Randy Orton, the latter false close to the latter for about four months.

Randy Orton delivered Kevin Owens an RKO in the elimination chamber. He chose the Punt Kick, but the officials saved Kevin Owens. Randy later claimed that he would prove to be the best spun from WWE at Smackdown. The Legend killer was in a match against Carmelo Hayes in Smackdown today, and the big mouth melo paid the price because it hadn't respected it.

Kevin Owens saved Carmelo Hayes from Randy Orton's anger

Carmelo Hayes wanted to get a kick from Randy Orton in his head, but Kevin Owens pulled him out. Randy Orton showed a gesture of sportiness by asking Carmelo Hayes for a handshake, but Carmelo Hayes declined. An angry Randy Orton provided Carmelo Hayes another RKO and campaigned on a kick. The kick would have sent Melo's head to Barca's goal post if Kevin Owens hadn't pulled him out.

Carmelo Hayes asked Randy Orton to give his hand before the game refused when Randy Orton tried to shake his hand. However, the mind game did not turn out to be fertile for Carmelo. Randy Orton came to him with more strength and dominated the match until it ended. He showed his in-ring experience and countered most of Melo's movements. Melo escaped Randys multiple RKO tests, but the viper only has to strike once.

An RKO sealed Melo's fate, and Randy Orton won the match. He wanted to have the Punt Kick when Melo didn't respect him for the second time. Kevin Owens saved Carmelo Hayes by getting him out. Randy grabbed Ahold from Kevin Owens and began to beat him, but Kevin Owens managed to escape brutal punishment. Ko and Randy Orton are set to each other on a collision course and could soon bring into the ring in the ring.

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