
Kim Soo Hyun's agency is looking for a private meeting with Kim Sa Ron's mother after private pictures Leck

In the middle of several claims by Kim Sae Ron's family and Kim Soo Hyun about his agency, the gold medalists of the latter gave an official explanation in which a private meeting with the mother of the deceased actor was sought. The agency reacted from the Garo Sero Research Institute against Kim Soo Hyun against Kim Soo Hyun, who threatened to publish more personal pictures of the Queen of Tears actors.

The Kim Soo Hyun agency reacts to the actor's private photoototolak

Koreabo reacted strongly to the threats of image and quoted Kim Soo Hyun's agency: “Hello, this is gold medalist. We send our official statement on the report that was broadcast on the YouTube Channel Garo Sero Research Institute (Gaseyeon) on March 14. We ask you to stop all actions that contain the spread of personal matters. “

Kim Soo Hyun's agency is expanding the sympathy for Kim Sae Ron's mother

The agency commented on Kim Sae Ron's mother's claims on the YouTube channel according to the Korean outlet and said: “We also noted Ms. Kim Sa Ron's mother's statement on the show. We believe that no words can comfort you sufficiently.

“We are also deeply concerned with the concerns that Ms. Kim Sae Ron's mother has raised about the kind of different reports about the deceased. As stated in our most recent official explanation, Mr. Kim Soo Hyun also caused damage due to Gaseyeons reports.

Kim Soo Hyun's agency wants a private meeting

Kim Soo Hyun and his agency asked for a private meeting with the mother of Kim Sae son instead of continuing their public that drives the controversy.

The statement mentioned: “However, there are certain points in the mother's claims, which differ from our perspective. In addition, we believe that there can be aspects that she has not yet been aware of. The public discussion about these affairs is not an appropriate way to honor the deceased or the efforts of the mother to restore her dignity. Instead, our management team would like to meet Ms. Kim Sae Ron's mother to give a thorough explanation. Please contact the gold medalist at any time. We would be grateful for the opportunity to speak to you. “

Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Sae Ron controversy explained

This is the third explanation of Kim Soo Hyun's agency in controversy. In an earlier one, the agency to Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Sae Ron's relationship admitted, but did not say that they did not go out when the deceased actor was a minor.

The 24 -year -old Kim Sae Ron was found dead in her house in the Seongdong district of Seoul, Kim So Hyun's birthday on February 16.

The gold medalist and Kim Soo Hyun allegedly contributed to Kim Sae Ron's death by increasing their financial battles after their Dui case in 2022. According to reports, Kim Soo Hyun distanced himself from the late actor after the Dui case.

Previously, Kim Sae Ron's mother had explained in her testimony why the family presented the allegations against Kim Soo Hyun. She said, “We just try to restore the image of our lost daughter.” The mother rejected Kim Soo Hyun's agency and also refused to share more pictures.

The controversy began when Kim Sae Ron's aunt appeared on the channel of the Garo Sero Research Institute and Kim Soo Hyun's alleged connection to Kim Sae Ron's death. She claimed that the two dated for years, even when the deceased actor was a minor, which Kim Soo Hyun triggered large counter -reactions on the Internet.

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Business News Center Kim Soo Hyun's Agency is looking for a private meeting with Kim Sa Ron's mother for private pictures and LECK
