
Saturday of the first week of Lent; Ember Saturday – March 15, 2025 – liturgical calendar

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Saturday of the first week of Lent; Emotion Saturday

Other memorial celebrations: St. Louise de Marillac, widow (RM)

Mass readings

March 15, 2025 (readings on the USCCB website)

Collect prayer

Saturday of the first week of fasting: Contact you to you, the eternal father, and grant that if we always search for the necessary and do works of charity, we can be devoted to your worship. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives and rules with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever.


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The Roman martyrology reminiscent St. Louise de Marillac (1591-1660). She was born in 1592 and married in 1613. When her husband died, she loosened a vow of widowing and devoted herself to the works of charity. St. Vincent de Paul, who became her spiritual director, gradually initiated her in his own non -profit works for the arms and those affected. In 1639 they founded the community of daughters of charity, who dedicated the rest of their lives to St. Louise. It was on March 11, 1934 by Pope Pius XI.

It is Glut Saturday of Lent or spring emberid. For more information, see the contemporary observation of Days and Lenten Ember Days.

The traditional The Church station is today in St. Peter's Basilica. In this basilica, a long vigil in early Sunday morning (or early Sunday morning). The 1962 Missal contains three additional lessons, a relic of those who were read earlier at night. The first reading of the current editor from Deuteronomy 26: 16-19 is one of the readings from the former Missal.

Today's station church >>>

Meditation for Ember Saturday in the first week of Lent – Spring Ember Days

According to the tradition of the church, the first week of Lent is the week of the spring days. Ember days are expressly a tradition of the church in Rome, their roots can be found partially in the Old Testament – where, for example, the Prophet Zechariah four seasons of fasting confirmed in the years – and partly in the tradition of the pagan Rome, with its festivals of the seeds and the harvest, which were remembered in our own days. So we have this beautiful combination of creation and biblical history, a combination that is a sign of true Catholicity. In the celebrations of these days we receive the year from the hand of God, receive our time from the creator and savior and trust the sowing and harvesting to his kindness, thanks him for the fruit of the earth and our work. The celebration of the Ember days corresponds to the fact that “the work is eagerly waiting for the unveiling of the sons of God” (Rom 8:19): through our prayer, creation enters the Eucharist, has part of God's praise.

In the fifth century, however, the embers took on a different dimension and became festivals of the intellectual harvest of the church, solid sacred medals. The agreement of StationSkirchen for these three days is very important: Wednesday, Saint Mary Major; Friday the church of the twelve apostles; Saturday, St. Peter. On the first day, the church personally presented the Church's ordinand to the church. “Sub tuum prasidium congimus” (we fly to your protection), a Marian prayer of the third century, thinks here when we meditate through this action. The church trusts the mother to her minister: “See your mother”. This word from the cross encourages us to look for refuge near our mother. We are safe under the coat of Our Lady. In all of our difficulties, we can contact our mother with an immense belief and we dare to take advantage of our service.

Friday was the day of the twelve apostle church. As “fellow citizens of the saints and servants of God” we are built on the basis of the apostles and prophets “(Eph 2: 19-20). Only in the context of the apostolic succession, the faith of the apostles and the apostolic structure of the church with a true priestly system, ie we can construct the living temple. instead.

The first week of Lent is a week of the seed time: let us entrust us to the goodness of God to the fruits of the earth and the work of human hands so that all daily bread is given so that hunger can be removed from the earth. Let us also entrust the quality of God to the seeds of the word in order to enliven the gift of God in us, which in the apostolic succession in the association with Peter in the apostolic episode of the hands is “the bishop (2 Tim 1: 6). Let us thank God, who has protected us in all temptations and difficulties and pray in the words of prayer according to the community that God will extend his favor, ie his eternal love, even, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and that he will also grant us the time consolation that we need in our weakness:

“You strengthened us the Lord, through these secrets and pours us with your heavenly sacrament. Stay with us comfort us And Save us And Never stop To show us yours favor“.

Let us make our prayer “by Christ our Lord”. Let's pray as under the coat of our mother. Let us pray as trusting children. The word of the Redeemer is certain: “I think – I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33).

– Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), Journey towards Easter

Saturday of the first week of fasting (Ember Saturday)
Station with San Pietro in Vaticano (St. Peter im Vatican):

The station is located in the basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican, where people would gather in the evening so that they could be present in the ordination of the priests and holy ministers. The original basilica was built in 323 by Konstantin over the place where the St. Peter was buried.

For more on San Pietro in Vaticanosee:

Further information on the station skirts can be found in the station church.

St. Louise de Marillac

St. Louise de Marrillac married an officer of the Royal Court, Antony Le Gras, and after his death in 1625 it was an active supporter of the non -profit work of St. Vincent de Paul, who came to bring her more and more trust in her. Mademoiselle Le Gras, as it was called, became co -founder of the daughters of charity, whose “monastery is the disease room, its chapel, the parish church, its monastery, the streets of the city”; It was she who set up the first draft of her life rule. Their clear intelligence and their broad sympathy played a major role in the beginning of the community, whose aspirants they trained and whose quick growth included the responsibility that largely fell on them. At the time of her death, there were already over forty houses of the sisters in France, the sick arms were looked after at home in 26 parish communities, hundreds of women received protection and there were other companies. St. Louise was not physically robust, but she had great endurance powers, and her selfless dedication was a source of incalculable help and encouragement for Monsieur Vincent.

Dictionary of the saints By Donald Attwater

Patronage: Disappointing children; Loss of parents; People who are rejected by religious orders; sick people; Christian social workers (announced on February 12, 1960 by Pope John XXIII); Vincentian Service Corps; Widow

Symbols and representation: Widow's clothing; Saint Louise wears the original Vincentian habit of gray wool with a great headdress made of white linen (typical of poor women in the Brittany of the 17th century), perhaps with a child in their arms.

Highlights and things to do:

  • Read more about St. Louise:
  • Bring up this simple morning aspiration of St. Louise to your children: “Give me the grace to spend this day without insulting you and without failing my neighbor.”

  • Learn more about the daughters of the charity organization of St. Vincent de Paul, which you found.<.li>

  • The remains of St. Louise are anchored in the chapel of the miraculous medal in the mother house of the daughters of charity in Paris. Your body is not incorruptible, but the body in the chapel is actually a wax portrait that contains your bones.

  • Start planning a presentation or the game for family passions in which everyone can take part. You may want to plan this for the end of Lent – spy on Wednesday or Holy Thursday would be particularly appropriate days for this.