
What to know about St. Patrick's Day | News, sports, jobs

One person waves an Irish flag while watching the St. Patrick's Day Parade on March 17, 2024 in Boston in South Boston in South Boston. (AP Photo/Steven Senne, File)

New York (AP) – If it is March and it is green, it must be St. Patrick's Day.

The day on which the patron Saint of Ireland is honored is a global celebration of the Irish heritage. And nowhere is this more than in the United States, where parades take place in cities across the country and all types of food and drinks receive emerald color.

In fact, it was among the Irish American communities that the day became the celebration, which he is from his roots as a more solemn day with religious compliance in Ireland.

But even in America it was more than an opportunity to dye a river green (look at, chicago) or just to break out a popular green garment. It was about lying down roots and claiming a piece of the country's calendar.

Who is St. Patrick and why does he have a day at all?

According to experts, Patrick wasn't really Irish. He was born in the late fourth century, was captured as a teenager and enslaved in Ireland. He fled to another part of Europe, in which he was trained as a priest, and returned to Ireland in the fifth century to promote the spread of Christianity.

A few centuries later he became saint from the Catholic Church and, like other saints, had a day that was dedicated to him on March 17th. He became Ireland's patron saint, and even as a religious dispute between Catholics and Protestants, was both claimed, says Mike Cronin, historian and academic director of Boston College Dublin.

How did an Irish Holy Day become an American thing?

The short answer: Irish people came to America and brought their culture with them. The observations of St. Patrick's Day come from the foundation of the United States in places such as Boston and New York City. The first parade took place in Manhattan in 1762.

While the day in Ireland was more religious framework and celebrations in Ireland until well into the 20th century, it became a cultural and exuberant celebration in America that it is today, shaped by many people without a trace of Irish heritage.

Because the people in Ireland began to see how the day in the USA was, it became more originally a festival in the country of its origin than a religious observation, says cronin and pointed out the parades, parties and other festivals that take place.

Oh, and by the way, for those who like to shorten names: Use the St. Paddy Day, not the St. Patty's Day. Paddy is a nickname for Pádraig, Patrick's Irish spelling.

Why is it such a big deal?

The holidays are not only days to stop by ligaments or to wear a certain outfit or costume.

To be able to mark a vacation and mark it others is a way of “Get roots and show that they made it in American culture.” Ligh Schmidt, professor at the Danforth Center for religion and politics at Washington University. “You have raised your right to this American calendar in American citizens' life by generally recognizing these holidays.”

The spread of the celebrations for St. Patrick's Day in the USA was a way for Irish immigrant communities that were exposed to discrimination and opposition in the 19th century to determine this reason, he says: “It is a kind of Irish way to combat native antagonism against them.”

What about four leaves anyway?

A popular sight on vacation is the Shamrock or three leaf clover, which is connected to Ireland and St. Patrick.

However, the lucky people come across something that is more difficult to find: a four -leaf clover. This is because the genetics of the clovers need a recessive feature or a property so that there are more than the normal 3 leaves, says Vincent Pennetti, who has been fascinated by the plants since the high school.

Four -leaf clover “Are real. They are rare “,” He says.

This does not mean that they cannot be found. People just have to keep their eyes open and “Make yourself really good at noticing patterns and breaking the patterns and you just start jumping on you.” He says.

Katie Glerum finds her. She says that it is not unknown that she is somewhere like in a park and sees one. She usually shovels it and often gives someone else to a positive answer.

“If it happened every day, I would probably be less excited about it”, “ she says. “But yes, if it happens, it's exciting.”