
WWE legend JBL remembers his most brutal wrestling -match -TJR Wrestling

The WWE Hall of Famer John Bradshaw Layfield has announced that the toughest opponent he was ever faced with in the ring was another wrestler, but a full -blown bear.

About speaking Something to wrestle Podcast, JBL, told how a boasting during his college football days led to an unexpected and brutal showdown with the animal. Known for his self -confidence, he often teased younger players, but a certain claim fell back when he insisted that he could take over a bear in a wrestling match.

His teammates decided to test his words and took him into a Bären -Wrestling competition in a local bar. True to his nature, JBL accepted the challenge, but the result was far from what he had imagined.

“Thank God it was not a brown bear pairing time. I have a scar on my hand where the bear had bitten me, blood, it was a disaster. That destroyed me. It was like National Geographic, the bear ran as hard as me. “

The event offered a price of 1,500 US dollars – an enormous sum for a student at that time.

“For a college child, that of US dollars is 4 billion”, “

JBL joked. He describes the match and compared it to an unusual form of dancing.

“I grabbed him, I threw him and I brought him to his side, but didn't get him on his back. The bear exploded, struck me over the dance floor and began to put me to death. It threw me under a table. I thought: “It's like something from a zoo or when animals attack.”

Despite his call for toughness, JBL admitted that he had no chance against the bear.

“This damn bear only destroyed me damn.”

What aspect of the wrestling contract negotiations did JBL say, Vince McMahon hated it?

JBL spoke about how Vince McMahon hated agents for contract negotiations with wrestlers. JBL said that he once had an agent who took over his media appearances for CNBC and Fox, and how McMahon was horrified by the agent, and asked why the former WWE champion had an agent.

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