
One dead after shot in Savannah's West Bay Street

Detectives of the Savannah Police Department examine a fatal shootout in the dollar General on West Bay Street. Details on the shootings remain limited, but we know that it took place near 516 in the West Bay Street 2010 on Saturday evening at 6:15 a.m. Police officers confirm that an adult man has died. A spokesman says that further information is pending. Death is the second on Saturday in the Hostess City. A woman was fatally stabbed on the Middleground Road in the early Saturday afternoon. Another man was injured in a drive-by shoot in the New Castle Street. After a “long and difficult night” of shootings, all incidents come from shootings last weekend, which left three dead and two injured injuries. This is a developing story. Stay at WJCL 22 for the latest.

Detectives of the Savannah Police Department examine a fatal shootout in the dollar General on West Bay Street.

Details on the shootings remain limited, but we know that it took place near 516 in the West Bay Street 2010 on Saturday evening at 6:15 a.m.

Police officers confirm that an adult man has died. A spokesman says that further information is pending.

Death is the second on Saturday in the Hostess City. A woman was fatally stabbed on the Middleground Road in the early Saturday afternoon. Another man was injured in a drive-by shoot in the New Castle Street.

After a “long and difficult night” of shootings, all incidents come from shootings last weekend, which left three dead and two injured injuries.

This is a developing story. Stay at WJCL 22 for the latest.