
Rhino publish a huge pleasure for David Lee Roth fans

Every David Lee Roth Solo album is no better than any Van Hagar plate. Not through a long shot – “5150” is often very funny, very catchy or both, while Roth's “her dirty little mouth” is bla. But every red album is more van Halen-Y than the work of his old band with Sammy Hagar.

Fortunately, vinyll lovers no longer have to speculate about my theory. Rhino has recently released “The Warner Recordings 1985-1994”, which gives up the first four LPs from Roth and an EP in a handy box. The EP, “Crazy from the Heat”, is excellent, but all cover-siehe “California Girls” and “Only a Gigolo/I have nobody” I will skip it and immerse yourself in this van Halen-cheation.

“Eat and smile”

In 1986 “5150” Van Halen transformed the trip with a better guitarist and worse singer. In the same year, “Eat 'Em and Smile” had the whole charm, the cheek, the absurdity and the guitar solos of classic hazen. Roth recruited an ACE band – the guitarist Steve Vai, bass player Billy Shehan, drummer Gregg Bissonette – and went with Diamond Dave. He converted the statue of Liberty into a sex symbol to “Yankee Rose”. He besides a lounge echo version of Prince with epic guitar -shredding on “Ladies” Nite in Buffalo? He shot wild yarn like “Big Trouble” with the texts “Cherry Blue and Mighty Mouse/Art Stille Dude” and she was “back in the house/with the children and the dog” and “Tonight We Wee Rocketers,” said Maus. “Overall, the album is the best that Roth has ever done (possibly also his work with his old band).


In 1988 people beat “skyscrapers” because they are not “eating and smiling” part two. The thing is … it is mostly. Where van Halen's album from the same year, “OU812”, relaxes to a smaller version of “5150”, “Skyscraper” is in this way everywhere. For fans of stubborn big guitar van Halen there is “Knucklebones”, “The Ender Line” and “Hot Dog and a Shake” (in which VAIS contains wonderfully unclassified solo). But the strange stuff is unforgettable – a title track that feels like Steely Dan to make the psychedelic rock, “damn good”, which the difference between “Treppenway to Heaven” and “Jack & Diane”, “Hina”, a heavy, hot step over the Lounge Vibe “Ladies' Nite in Buffalo?” Division that in Buffalo?

“A little bit enough”

When the 90s fried, both Roth and Van Halen seemed to be out of the crotch. Van Halen tried to go straight with the rock album “For Illawful Carnal Knowledge”, but often it is only boring. “A little enough” has a few boring parts – Vai and Sheehan's absences can be felt – but many of the mistakes are a cry. And the hits are Reiner van Roth. “Lady Luck” would have made van Halen's debut. “It is Showtime” belongs to “Eat 'you and smile”. “Baby's on Fire” would have been a nice addition to “for illegal fleshy knowledge”.

“Your dirty little mouth”

The differences are obvious here. “Your dirty little mouth” is not a favorite -roth record. But “Balance” is the least popular Van Hagar record of all. The band had no new ideas in the mid -1990s. In the meantime, Roth had one million – strangely enough, two duets were from the country and reggae. But Roth is an explosion in first gear. A decade that was removed by his original band, he still pumps Bullhorn rocker, who could have been with Eddie, Alex and Michael Thriller, see “She's My Machine” and “Big Train”.

Originally published: