
The texts and the meaning of Tob Tobi Tobi Tob, who became viral at the beginning of the Ramadan

Yogyakarta Many are curious about the texts and the meaning of the song Tob Tobi Tob Tobi Tob, who became viral in Ramadan on Tiktok. The song is a poem created by Arabic poets, which indicates luck as the voice of the bulb bird.

This song was viral on Tiktok because of its catchy texts and challenges for users to follow his fast rhythm. Quite a few creators who try to sing or dance into the rhythm of this song, which makes it a trend on the platform.

The tob Tobi Tob Tobi Top Song, which became Viral at the beginning of Ramadan, was actually a classic Arab poem entitled SAWT al-Safitri al-Ulbuli. Syair was written by Al-Asmai, a famous Arab poet and experts in the 8th century.

In the song, the voice of the Tobi -Tobi -Tobs is the sound of the music that can be heard when the bulb bird tweets. His tweets are so unique and sound fun that it is used as a parable to describe happy things.

The following texts and translations of the song Tob Tobi Tob Tobi Tob, which became Viral in the Ramadan AWA:

Sawt Sufayr Albulbal hij Qalbi Althamaliu

(The tweet of a Bulbulvogel shaked my drunk heart of love)

Alma 'Walzuhr Maean Mae Zahhr Lihazi Almaqli

(Water and flowers together with incomparable beauty)

Wa'ant ya ghadli wamulili

(And you, my Lord, my vision and the rulers of my heart)

Fakam Fakum Taymali Ghazil Eaqiqali

(The charm of my charming heart is so great)

Qatafath Min Wajnat Mann Lathim Ward Alkhajali

(I selected it with a embarrassed rose from your cheek)

Faqal La la la la faqad Ghadan Muharuili

(He said, “No, no, no, because tomorrow I'll hurry up”)

Walkhud paints Tarabaner Man Faeal Hadh Alrajlii

(Pipi is happy, who did it?)

Fulult wli wali ya wylli

(I said, “Oh, bad! Oh, my bad luck!”)

Facult La Tululi Wabini Alluwluly

(I said, “Don't torture me, give me your dear pearl”))

Qalatlah hin Kadha 'iinhid wujid bialnaqlii

(He said, “If so, lift it and bring it gently”)

Wafatiat Suqunani Qahwat Kaleuslaliii

(I tried coffee on the market like sweet honey)

Shamamtuha Bi'anfi 'Azkaa Min Alqaranafilii

(I inhaled the aroma, more fragrant than cloves)

Fi wasat bustan huliyin bialzahr walur li

(In the middle of a beautiful garden full of flowers and happiness)

Waleud din and Din Li Buhibl Tabtab Tabaliun

(The cap reads 'Dindan Din' and gender beats 'Tabab tab'))

Tabab Tibi Tabab Tib Tabab Tabab Tabab Li

(No, no, no, I like the sound of the music)

Walsaqf Saqua Siqi Siqi Li Walraqs Qad Tab 'Ilaya

(The roof swings with and the dance makes me happy)

Shawaa Shiwaa Washahshi Ealaa Waraq Sifarijal

(Merious Sounds can be heard between the leaves of a pire tree)

Wagharad Alqamar BiSayh Wala Yanfi Manayiy

(The moon seems bright, does not delete my beautiful dreams)

Walaw Tarani Rakiban Ealaa Hehar 'Ahzal

(And if you saw me a thin ass)

Yamshi Alaa Thalathat Kamishyat Amalinjali

(Go on three legs like lagging a person)

Walnaas Tarjam Jamali Fi Alsuwq Bialqalaqalali

(People comment on my beauty on the market with a sensation)

Walkulu Kaeakae Kaeakae Khalfi Wamin Huaylli

(Everything is Isvillated, “Snacked”, called him and around me around me)

Lakin Mashit Hariban Min Khashyat Aleaqanqali

(But I went away, ran away from shame)

'Iilaa Liqa' Malik Muezam Mubjiliun

(To meet an honorable great king)

Yamuruni Bikhale State Hamra 'Caldam then

(The one who dressed you in a red robe like blood)

'History of Fiha Mashya Mubghadu and Lildhiyli

(I went moderate and let the ends fly)

'Ana al'adib al'almaeiu man Hayi' ard Almusli

(I am a clever poet from Arabic country)

Azamt qatean zkhraft yaejaz Eanha al'adbaliu

(I have put together beautiful texts that amazing the winners)

Aqul fi Matlaeiha swt sufayr albalbalii

(I said in his opening, the sound of a bull -tweet …)

The song Tob Tobi Tobi Tob tells the history of a person's condition when he falls in love. There was a feeling of shame until confusion was to be confused when this feeling suddenly appeared.

Someone who is in love normally always wants to appear optimal if they hit the person he likes. This is clearly visible because its appearance looks so special.

His efforts to look charmingly make people around him fascinated, although his main goal is to attract his idol's attention.

In the meantime, the sound of the Bulbulvogel mentioned in the song is a symbol of the beauty of feelings experienced by someone who is in love.

These are information about the texts and the meaning of the song Tob Tobi Tob Tobi Tob, which became Tiktok at the beginning of Ramadan. Receive messages updates of other options only on Voi.ID.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there can still be inaccuracies in the translation. Please always see Indonesian as our main language. (System supported by Digitalsiber.ID)