
Appalachian Trail Day 7-12 – the hike

Today was the first day on which I hiked on my way in the rain. It was not bad and didn't come down very hard. It stopped until noon. I wore shorts, my Qzip and my raincoat and was happy. My friends from college were kicked in the ass from the climbs today, but I felt great. Henry and I would have gone on, but they wanted to stop. Had a great sunset tonight. The best sunset I had on the way. Today I decided that I will try to end the trail with Henry in four months. I am very excited to push big miles and I hope my body can keep up.

Day 8 Muskrat Creek Shelter for the Long Branch Shelter (21.3)

A great but hard day. It was beautiful all day, about 60 degrees and sunny. This was the longest day I made on trail. The body was tired, but still felt good. Beat the 100 mile brand and the view of Albert Mountain were incredible. One of the best views I saw in my life. I didn't see a lot of people today and hiked with Henry all day. Tomorrow will be a shorter day and I'll grab some food in Franklin. Camping on Siler Bold tomorrow and it will be another clear day so that the prospects should be incredible.

Day 9 long branch of Siler Bald (11.7)

It was a shorter day today because I stopped in Franklin to get some food. I got a burger in a restaurant in the city and it was incredible. Franklin's hike was hard, but the view of Siler soon was absolutely worth it. There was no cloud in the sky and I could see for miles. The sunset was incredible. The whole sky looked like watercolors. My body feels great and I am ready to meet the tuxedo in four days. I love outside every day and it gets better and better. I met a new group of people today and they were all really cool. Henry and I hike quickly, so we always pass people and see them only for a day.

Day 10 Siler soon to Wesser soon Shelter (17.6)

Solid day of hiking with many good prospects. Wayah and Wesser soon be crazy. I am so lucky with these clear views. There was a rainstorm that came out of nowhere today and rained really hard in the camp. I had to sleep in my tent because the shelter was full. I will switch to my trekking rod tent so that I can have a larger anteroom and save weight. Tomorrow I have a short day in the NOC to stay in a hostel.

Day 11 Wesser soon to the NOC (5.7)

Waked up for an incredible sunrise this morning. It was still my favorite morning on the way. The fog in the valley looked like a lake. The birds sang and the sun just climbed. When we arrived to the NOC bookmaker and kept the rest of the day in Rambling Roots Hostel. She was incredible and accommodated all my needs. I can only recommend it. Bad weather will come this weekend, but we will start at 6 a.m. tomorrow to get to the shelter early and hopefully to avoid part of the rain. The ascent to Cheoah will soon be hard, but I'm looking forward to it.

Day 12 NOC to Fontana Dam Shelter (29.3)

What a day. The longest hiking day that I did far. I started the day at 6 a.m. in the dark to try to avoid most of the storm. I came to Cheoah soon and it was still not raining, 16 miles came to an animal shelter and it was still not raining, so I pushed to Fontana. It will storm hard tomorrow, so I will go to zero in Fontana and rest for the smokies. No crazy views today and hiking was very difficult, but I am so happy to meet almost 30 miles for the first time.

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