
Mrs. says friend gives her the “corner” because he treats her like a child

A woman is about to end with her boyfriend because he treats her “like a child” during her data.

The 37-year-old woman shared some of the behaviors of her 43-year-old friend who gave her the “Ick” and considered whether it is in Great Britain to the Forum Mumnet based in the Mums, if it is “friendlier to end the relationship now” or to continue to meet it.

“He is wonderful and unbelievable and we could have an amazing life together, but I just can't shake this feeling that he gives me massive the ick,” she confessed to the man with whom she has been with her for eight months.

She added that you met through online dating and that he has several redeeming properties that you have held away from taking the end with him.

A couple to an unpleasant date (stock image).


“He is so friendly and generous and totally in love with me and I can't use the problem with my finger, and I tried so much to overcome this feeling,” she said. “We are supposed to spend the day together and everything I can think is afraid that he will come home to me and sleep with me – the thought fills me with fear.”

The girlfriend admitted that, although she generally loves his company, she feels that the “chemistry” they had when they started to meet is no longer there if they are on data for several reasons.

“He does some things that really annoy me, and even though I have spoken to her before, he stops for a while, but starts again,” she wrote. “When we go out in public, dinner, etc., he tries to kiss me at the table, he caresses my face and hair, not a gentle blow, but it's like a full hand that slips down my face and ruins my make-up.

A couple for a date (stock image).


Another incident that she grated her wrong took place during her film date.

“We went to the cinema the other day and I said I would only get up to use the ladies [bathroom] Halfway through the film and he came with me and waited for me outside of the toilets. I felt like a child, ”she said.

The woman wondered if she could “get over the ICK”, and asked the Mothers -Forum: “Is that the sign that I have to separate from him?” She claimed that if you separated, she would “like to stay friends”, but she tried it a few months ago and he “would rather have no contact”.

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In her contribution dated March 9 via Mumnnet, passionate reactions caused some readers to find similarities with their own earlier relationships.

“I would end it. I had an almost identical situation, but the behavior they describe was so similar, ”commented a woman. “We went to a party with his friends and when we all maintained, he sent me things like 'I'm so proud to be here with you.' He literally sat right next to me. '… I finished it and didn't get in touch, it was the most beautiful. ”

The original poster answered and said jokingly: “He also made me similar! Is that the same guy ?! He will write me an SMS how proud he is to be with me, and he stares at me with these puppy eyes in public. I also noticed in the cinema that he did not see the film, but only stared at me!”

The general consensus of commentators was that the woman separated.

“Your ICK is your instinct, who tells you that he is an F ————–“, concluded a Mumsnet user and tried to summarize the girlfriend's feelings. “Men who behave early are possessible and check later.”