
Bryan Ferry and Amelia Barratt share 'Loose Talk' Video ::


(HR) Bryan Ferry and Performance artist, writer and painter Amelia Barratt publish 'Loose Talk', the latest work and title track of her upcoming collaborative album Loose Talk, which was released on March 28. The associated video was shot by Bryan Ferry.

The title track 'Loose Talk' offers an almost motor drive and shows the presence of Paul Thompson from Roxy Music on the drums and follows the empire from detailed and transported 'Orchestra' and 'Florist', which invited the listeners deeper into the cinematic world of loose talk.

Lose talk signals the beginning of a new creative chapter for Bryan Ferry and blurs the boundaries between music, poetry and art. Fifty-three years, since Roxy Music's legendary debut album has arrived like a Bolt-from-the-blue, his latest project has been just as amazingly unexpected. The sounds and shapes and the spoken words to which they are set are different from any former album Bryan Ferry. At the same time, the mood that loosely talks captures is based in Ferry's last century of work.

Loose Talk Marks for the first time that Ferry created new music for another writer's words. The album consists of eleven texts, which are composed by Amelia Barratt and fascinating microbes are fragmentary and self -contained at the same time.

The album refrains from minimalism and abstraction with an experimental and young people. Ferry's music and barratts texts each hold their own codes. While this codes pulses as one, the album discovers its own language – two monologues start a conversation that becomes a duet.

At the beginning of this week, Bryan and Amelia terminated a special spatial reconciliation event on the day when the album was released, which takes place on the ICA of London. Fans can experience loose lectures at the ICA by using the spatial sound system of the event location D&B Soundscape of the event location. More information and tickets can be found here.

Bryan Ferry discussed Loose Talk and said: “The whole experience of having loose conversations has made an interesting novelty about it. It seems to have opened a completely new chapter in my work. The work that Amelia does has a really strong mood that Amelia does, and I was very aware that they did not get their words in the way. Hopefully we created something together.

The next thing I have ever existed would perhaps be a heartache in Roxy with “in every dream house” and “mother of pearl”. To a certain extent, these are a kind of spoken monologue. I am pleased that you said when we played loose conversations with people: “Oh, it really sounds different.” I always wanted that with everything I did or in which I was involved. Unlike what they heard or saw before. That is the jumping point to be an artist: try to create a new thing, a new world. “

Amelia Barratt said: “Loose Talk is a conversation between two artists: a collaborative musical album by Bryan Ferry with spoken texts from me. It is filmy; music for pictures.

There are opportunities for experimenting within a framework. And it is a freedom to know exactly what I have to play, then to be able to pass a truck, to expand creatively and to know that there is someone on the other side who will continue. Nothing feels from limits. “

Bryan Ferry and Amelia Barratt were initially linked to their separate investments in the art world. The collaboration began with a random meeting at an exhibition opening, in which Ferry was fascinated that Barratt had started writing and appearing with her painting. Both artists share an art school background – Bryan Ferry studied in the 1960s at Newcastle University, Barratt at the Glasgow School of Art and the Slade School of Art, where they received an MFA in 2016 – but they are the differences between them that encourage loose conversations and generate an uncomfortable territory.

Bryan Ferry's collaboration with Amelia Barratt was for the first time with the publication of 'Star' in 2024 was annoyed as the latest composition for the newly published 81 Track Career-Spanning collection, retrospective: Selected Recordings 1973-2023.

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