
Nash County Teen Shooting near Spring Hope and charges explained

Nashville, NC (WNCN)-The sheriff of Nash County explained on Sunday why a homeowner after a teenager after a truck on Friday evening near Spring Hope.

After the theft of a vehicle shortly after 10 p.m. on Friday in the 7900 block of the Savage Road, the shootout was reported directly to the NC 581 near Spring Hope, so a press release from a sheriff office in Nash County.

“During the incident, the 911 caller fired a pistol and a young person was hit,” says the press release.

The 30-year-old Zachary Bryant will be suspended in front of several charges after a 15-year-old was shot in the head and was listed in a critical condition, said Nash County on Sunday.

The MPs said on Sunday that Bryant first heard his dogs outside of his house on Friday evening. He checked and saw two men walking from his truck in his farm, said the MPs.

The two men were seen in a red car that, according to Nash County, was left to leave the scene.

Bryant then went to his house, put on clothes, grabbed a pistol and flashlight and went outside again, said the MPs.

Bryant checked his truck and noticed that some tools were missing, the MPs said.

Then he went nearby – about 30 to 60 meters from his house – to an area near NC 581, officers said in the press conference.

When he discovered a red car that was similar before, Bryant was near a trench and fired shots on the car, which contained four teenagers, officials said.

The driver was hit by a shot in his head when the car drove along the Savage Road. Other teenagers in the car aged 14, 15 and 16 years were not hit by shots.

The car then plunged near the scene in forests.

The MPs said on Sunday that Bryant was not on the way of the car and “don't worry that the car hit him” when he fired the shots.

The MPs said on Sunday that the situation did not meet the criteria for the justified use of fatal violence.

Bryant was charged with a fatal weapon for assault to kill, kill and injure serious injuries and attacks with a fatal weapon with the intention, said officials.

“Property is never an apology to use fatal violence,” said Nash County Sheriff Keith Stone in the press conference.

Bryant is said to have his first court appearance on Monday morning, said Stone.