
MA dishes ignore ice threads, release of alleged rapists – twice

When Bilal Karayigit was arrested in December 2023 for rape and indecent bodily harm and battery, the Brighton District Court from City of Boston allowed the 26-year-old illegal immigrant from Turkey to avoid an application for immigration and customs authorities.

On Friday, Ice Boston announced that he had arrested the alleged rapist after being released a second time, and a court official in Massachusetts.

“The police authority in Boston arrested Karayigit on September 19, 2024 due to arrest warrants that can be attributed to his pending charges,” said the federal authority. “Later on this day, ICE submitted an immigration hefer against Karayigit with the Nashua Street prison in Boston. The prison ignored the immigration hefer and released Karayigit from custody on September 26, 2024.

“Ice served Karayigit with a message that can appear in front of an immigration judge of the Ministry of Justice after his arrest, and he remains in ice custody.”

“He represents a significant threat to the members of our districts of Massachusetts that ICE will not tolerate,” said Patricia H. Hyde, director of the acting field director of ICE Enforcement and, in an explanation. “We will continue to prioritize public security by arresting and eliminating illegal extraterrestrial threats in New England.”

The report comes two weeks after a Couple of Turkish citizens were intercepted on the Canadian border and tried to enter New Hampshire illegally.

Karayigit's arrest has been part of a whirlwind of the activities for immigration officials in Massachusetts and other parts of New England, since President Donald Trump took office in January.

Boston's refusal to work with Ice on Immigration Häfainer inquiries Michelle Wu was called Via a supervisory committee of the congress to answer questions about the city's politics.

WU insisted that Boston followed the Federal Immigration Act, but according to the Trust Act of 2014, which was authorized again in 2024 under her leadership, the local police are excluded from the “participation in the enforcement of civil immigration”.

In a particularly controversial flare-off during the hearing on March 5, the US representative Nancy Mace (Rs.c.) WU and other supporters of Boston's ordinance to enable rapists to return to the streets of the city.

“It's not true,” said Wu.

It is possible for Boston's handling of Karayigit and dozens of others to be free despite the inquiries from ice rams to pursue WU.

One of the legislators who had grilled during the hearing on March 5, Anna Paulina Luna (R-Florida) formal recommendation The WU claims the WU of a criminal investigation to the Ministry of Justice.

Meanwhile, New Hampshire continues to show the willingness to work with the federal immigration authorities – at least at the state level. Last month, GOP Governor Kelly Ayotte announced that the state police may be approved Repeat a common Task Force model with ice cream That was given up during the bidges.

The offices of the Sheriff of Belknap and Grafton County also signed together with the police authorities in Gorham, Ossipee, Colebook and Pittsburg.

However, several municipalities in New Hampshire continue to include guidelines such as Boston that prohibit the local law enforcement authorities of enforcing the Federal Immigration Act.

The city of PeterboroughFor example, recently made headlines after four people were taken into custody during a joint asset management. In response to this, the city officials of Peterborough publicly confirmed their politics to ban the police department with the cooperation with the asset efforts of immigration.

Surveys continue to show the Americans to enforce immigration. A new survey by NBC News published on Sunday that 55 percent of Trump's voters approved immigration policy and only 43 percent disapproved. In a survey by Saint Anselm College Survey Center, which was released last week, the voters of New Hampshire, who support President Trump's policy, showed illegal immigrants from 55 to 44 percent.