
Do you have a garbage drawer? A local company has tips on spring cleaning

Do you have a garbage drawer? A local company has tips on spring cleaning

IN ORDER. Well, the official start of spring is this Thursday. And if you want to start your spring cleaning, we have some tips for you. The general manager of two men and a junk truck to come to us live. Terry Amelia. GOOD MORNING. IN ORDER. So look, we all know that spring cleaning should begin. SECURE. But starting is the real difficult part. This tends to be the problem. YES. So how do we work through? Hey, you know, there are a few things. I mean, one of the things that people really fight with is sometimes, as you know, the dangerous things, you know, things like color. You know we all have garages, you know who have this shelf that is full of gallons and gallon color. And how do we get rid of it? You can't just throw it in the trash. You can't just bring it to the landfill. You know even though it is still liquid. RIGHT? Really easy. Just get a cat litter or a cat litter in it. Pack the top on it, leave it open. The cat litter absorbs the entire color. It is hardened. And you can actually really throw that into your dump. At this point you don't even have to do something special. So you know things like that. If you have large items, it can be a real hurdle for some people. There you can certainly help companies like ours, two men in a junk truck. I have the feeling that the big stuff is the easiest, because as soon as you move it, it feels as if half the room is ready. Just a little boring. Things so often. I know that overwhelms me. Sure, safe. Here, too, it can really depend on it, you know your lifestyle. Do you know if you are like me, I think I'm a little longer in the tooth. Have 11 grandchildren, you know, I mean, I'm really hard. 11, 11 grandchildren. You know, time is really, you know, in short supply. So what we like to do is, you know, we can plan people in the morning or afternoon. People can find out for themselves what makes it really easy. If you are like me and are really thin. YES. And you know to get a Saturday without having a ball game, or something is really difficult. IN ORDER. Look, so many people try to be more mindful and more conscious. RIGHT. How do we do some of these things while we are environmentally conscious? Oh, you know that this is a great question. You know as many things, like this color we talked about, you can also reproduce many things. You know we are very attentive in a junk truck. You know what we place in the landfill. You know that we follow all guidelines of the landfill company and responsibly. Oh, mercy. We have been responsible for all objects. YES. So I have a question. Yes, Ma'am. If you think about getting rid of unwanted items, some of us can make some mistakes. And I'm sure you've probably seen some of them. HOW? What are these frequent mistakes and how do we avoid them? Oh wow. Things like engine oil, fluorescent lamps. Many people think you can just throw a fluorescent light bulb into the dash can or. Yes or no, it contains dangerous materials. Things like devices, things like televisions, things like computer monitors. You have to be careful with. You know there are many objects, spare tires or old tires, mattresses. There are many articles that you can't just throw away. Even if you bring you to the landfill, there will be a charging because you will again dispose of it responsibly from you. And these are some of the things you can help us with. Because they think 100%of all these small articles, as they said, we are like: Oh my god, the batteries or the mattresses. And we'll get stuck somehow and then just stay there. Oh, our website, you also know, is a great resource. You know that people can visit our website on Two Men and a junk And it lists all of these things. I'M SORRY. YES. It's up there. Oh beautiful. And it will list all these sayings and make it much more eloquent than this morning. Man, I'll tell you, no, you were great. I tell you one thing we love is when we get help. RIGHT? Because if someone who helps us to navigate through the process makes things easier and less overwhelming. And I think as soon as we get over this initial hurdle, you will feel like the weight lifting. If your space is released a little more and the weight gives more, the more we get through. So this initial pressure will be really helpful. And do you know what? We love to help people. I mean it really sounds silly and it is the truth. You know, we love to help people. You know, we recommend that people go to our Google page and only take a look at some of the Google reviews because people are really grateful. Often when you get help. Yes, and we are happy to provide it. Well, look, you have already given us some great ideas today because I never thought to bring color to Kitty garbage. I tell you it's great. It works great. YES. Thank you for Joini

Do you have a garbage drawer? A local company has tips on spring cleaning

March means that it is time for spring cleaning! Terry O'Melia, General Manager for two men and a junk drink, joins Jenyne to give some tips on the management of the tasks that people can intimidate.

March means that it is time for spring cleaning! Terry O'Melia, General Manager for two men and a junk drink, joins Jenyne to give some tips on the management of the tasks that people can intimidate.