Could be exposed to a maximum possible life penalty at least 10 years in the federal prison

The federal authorities have charged the 21-year-old Phillip Johnson from Cocoa in connection with a violent robbery in a Tampa night club. The Johnson armed in black clothes and ski skates with rifles and pistols and entered the Dreams Club near Ybor City with two more suspects. Inside, they supposedly demanded money from a victim. At that time, Johnson was accused of shot the person on the face. (US public prosecutor, Middle District of Florida Image)

Tampa, Florida-Die Federal Authorities, have charged 21-year-old Phillip Johnson from Kocao in connection with a violent robbery in a Tampa night club.

The incumbent lawyer of the United States, Sara C. SWEENEY, announced that Johnson is exposed to several charges, including conspiracy, robberies as part of the Hobbs Act and relieving a firearm during a violent break.

If he is convicted, he could be exposed to a maximum possible life sentence in the federal prison for at least 10 years.

According to the criminal complaint, Johnson and two accomplices traveled to Tampa from Brevard County on February 1, 2025 to commit a robbery.

Armed with rifles and pistols in black clothes and ski gumps and entered Dreams Club near Ybor City. Inside, they supposedly demanded money from a victim. At that time, Johnson was accused of shot the person on the face.

The authorities emphasize that a criminal complaint is a formal indictment, and Johnson is considered innocent until he has been proven in court.

The investigation is carried out by the police authority of Tampa and the Federal Bureau of Investigation with the support of several agencies, including the Sheriff office of the Brevard County, the police authority of Cocoa and the public prosecutor for the 13th Justice District. The deputy US lawyer Diego F. Novaes leads the prosecution.

Further details are expected in the course of the case.