
Celebrate the national biodieseltag | Biofuels International Magazine

Celebrate the national biodieseltag | Biofuels International Magazine

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Two important days for the agricultural community are just around the corner – Nationale AG Day and the National Biodiesel Day.
The national biodiesel day will be celebrated on March 18 – Rudolph Diesel's birthday. Rudolph Diesel invented the diesel engine and presented it at the world mass in 1900.
Nationale AG Day, also on March 18, celebrates the important role that agriculture plays in our society, economy and nutritional certainty.
The national biodiesel day focuses on the importance of biodiesel as a clean, renewable and domestic fuel.
Decades ago, the Soyal Checkoff set up the biodiesel industry. And it is now being expanded to renewable diesel, organic trees and sustainable aviation fuel. In the past 15 years, biofuels have grown from 80 million bushels to 1.2 billion bushels soybeans.

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