series Rikv 25 0521 Rikv 25 0917
Comparison date 19.03.2025 19.03.2025
Assigned total amount (mm) 8.536 21,342
All offers that were awarded for (price / simple interest) 98.611 / 8.049 96.089 / 8.051
Total number of offers obtained 14 23
Total amount of all received offers (mm) 9.836 22,742
Total number of successful offers 12 21
Number of completely assigned offers 12 21
Lowest price / maximum simple interest assigned 98.611 / 8.049 96.089 / 8.051
Highest price / lowest simple interest assigned 98,647 / 7.837 96.216 / 7.779
Lowest price / maximum simple interest, which have been completely assigned 98.611 / 8.049 96.089 / 8.051
Weighted average of successful offers (price/simple interest)) 98,630 / 7.937 96.144 / 7.933
Best offer (price / simple interest) 98,647 / 7.837 96.216 / 7.779
Worst bid (price / simple interest) 98,602 / 8.102 96.066 / 8.100
Weighted average of all surviving offers (price / simple interest)) 98.626 / 7.961 96.139 / 7.944
Percentage partial assignment (approximately) 100.00 % 100.00 %
Offer to cover ratio 1.15 1.07