
How to watch the northern lights this week

If you are a Stargazer and Skywatcher, you are lucky!

Since the action -packed sky from March and the spring season get closer, it becomes one of the best months of the year to take a look at the northern lights.

Northern lights or aurora borealis occur when solar activity – such as sun spots or coronal mass changes – causes magnetic storms. These storms trigger interactions between the magnetic field of the earth and invited particles from the sun, which leads to the breathtaking colors that shed light on the sky.

According to, NASA's 75-year study shows solar physicist David Hathaway that March has geomagnetically active days than in any other month. With six days with a high geomagnetic activity, compared to only three in December, March offers a first -class window to recognize the northern lights.

Being an Aurora chasser this spring would not be unusual thanks to the increased solar activity if we reach the solar maximum-the highlight of the approximately 11-year sun cycle of the sun.

Here you will find everything you need to know about the outstanding sky of this month.

When will the Northern Lights be visible in March 2025?

Aurora borealis on Iceland, Northern Lights.


March should be the best month in 2025 to take a look at the northern lights, not only because of the increased solar activity, but also because the spring equinox (March 20) positions the earth's axis vertically to the sun winds, which can trigger an increase in Auror.

If we continue to reach solar maximum -with the sun that is gaining more power -aurora displays will increase per

Where will the Northern Lights be visible in March 2025?

The northern lights, also called Aurora Borealis.


The northern part of the United States, Canada and areas near the Arctic circle offers the best ways to observe the Aurora borealis. You also want to wait for a clear sky. Too many clouds can block your view of the colorful display in a certain night.

Patience is the key, and the additional time in your “Aurora season” route for unpredictable weather doesn't hurt.

How can you watch the Northern Lights in March 2025?

The northern lights, also called Aurora Borealis.


Good news: No unusual technology is required to observe this magical light show – just watch and let the sky make the rest! Pro NOA is best within an hour or two before and after midnight. You also want to avoid light lights for the best quality of advertising.

Who says you can't see the Aurora show comfortably at home?

How active will the Northern Lights be near you?

According to, you should check short -term forecasts such as those from the Geophysical Institute. You can also use the NOA website for Space Weather Prediction, which offers a 30-minute forecast using the NOA website.

Further information on real-time updates can be found in Aurorasaurus, a platform for citizen science, on which Aurora enthusiasts immediately share reports on new sky shows.