
Criminal conference for Templeton -Man, who is charged with violation and damaged Clarion ownership

Clarion Co., Pa. (Eyt) – The case against a Templeton man who is accused of collapsing in two apartments and causing damage in a local bar when he claimed he tried to escape in court.

According to court documents, a criminal conference for the 34-year-old Tyler Jacob Marshall is planned for April 23 in the district prosecutor Drew Welsh's office.

Court files show that the following accusations against Marshall were dispensed with during a preliminary hearing on March 4 in front of the judge of the district, Timothy P. Schill, in court:

  • Criminal test criminal violation in structure, crime 2
  • Criminal violation in structure, crime 2
  • Criminal disaster – damage to property, pass 3 (five counts)

Marshall was released from Clarion County's prison on the same day when his deposit of 15,000 US dollar monetary was changed to a discussion between the district prosecutor, the public defense lawyer and the district judge. Jarah Lee Heeter, district judge Jarah Lee, led the hearing of Marshall's deposit.

His case was transferred to the Clarion County Court of Common.

Marshall is represented by Clarion County Public Defender Jacob Christopher Roberts. Clarion County's public prosecutor is pursuing the case.

Details of the case:

According to the criminal complaint, the police from Clarion Borough reacted to an apartment in the South 7th Avenue on February 18 at around 1:14 a.m. in order to obtain reports on a break -in of attempted break -ins. The officials found a damaged door in an apartment in which the resident had locked himself up in the bathroom and called 911. At the scene of the crime, officials discovered clothes that were thrown away, including shirt, pants and boots as well as blood droplets in the corridor.

The officials fetched and Scheckler responded to the call, whereby an officer approached the front of the building and the other from the rear stairs. They discovered Marshall in an adjacent apartment, only wore socks and pajamas, with cuts on the nose and forehead.

The police said Marshall admitted to drinking alcohol before the incident and smoking marijuana. He told the officials that he tried to get away from people in a local bar who were after him, even though the officials found no evidence of pursuers. He supposedly broke into the apartment in South 7th Avenue by knocking so hard on the door that he broke through the cladding and left a large opening, the complaint said.

According to the complaint, the damage at the local bar was discovered at 3:36 a.m. when the police received a call from an apartment in an apartment in the facility, in which a glass window with broken panels was reported in the boiler room. The tree manager confirmed the damage to two doors and the window. Officers later found a door knob in Marshall's thrown away trousers, who, according to the complaint, lacked one from the building.

Marshall was charged with judge Timothy P. Schill on February 18.