
2025 day of giving

The Northwood University invites Alumni, faculty, employee, donor and supporter of Free Enterprise to join together on March 24th to give the day of 2025. This special day is an opportunity for people who appreciate individual freedom, success and importance of the company for the support of the permanent mission of Northwood.

Building on record -breaking success
Last year of giving was the most successful in the history of Northwood and collected astonishing 101,659.59 US dollars – proof of the deep commitment of the university's supporters. This year, Northwood is to build on this dynamic and inspire an even greater participation in order to expand the reach of the Northwood idea, which is committed to free companies, entrepreneurship, limited government and freedom for everyone.

An opportunity to achieve a permanent effect
The day of giving is more than just a donation campaign-a celebration of the mission of Northwood is to develop free managers who promote global social and economic progress. Participants can lead their contributions to scholarships, sports programs, academic resources or campus improvements and ensure that their gifts support the most meaningful areas for them.

“Every donation, regardless of the size, strengthens Northwood's ability to offer transformative training for the next generation of free practice executives,” said Laura Rhodes, director of the annual Giving Laura Rhodes. “This is a unique opportunity for donors to contribute to programs that correspond to their passions and at the same time drive our common values.”

Bound with a rich legacy: celebration for the founding day
The day of 2025 takes place on the day after the founding day, on which the co -founders of Northwood, Arthur and Johann Turner as well as Gary and Willa Stauffer, and the principles that the university have run since its foundation are honored. These timeless values ​​- which also include the importance of the rule of law, personal responsibility and the pursuit of prosperity through hard work and economy – still shape Northwood's philosophy of education.

Last year, 300 donors came together from three different countries and 17 countries to support the mission of Northwood. This year, the university asks even more supporters to be able to improve even more.

To take part in Northwood University on the 2025 day, visit with us the idea of ​​Northwood for the coming generations.