
A day in the life of a non -binary person, as the Maga Republicans imagined

5 a.m.: I wake up at dawn and shoot myself with a cocktail of hormones.

7 a.m.: Now that I am upgraded, I will register on Facebook and Cyberbully women by telling them that I will beat them in all their sports today.

7:20 p.m.: From my liberal wok wardrobe I pull out a shameful and confusing outfit and promote my radical belief in the existence of more than two sexes: jeans, a compression pop and a flower shirt shirt with a short sleeve.

8 o'clock: I arrive at work with the most loaded clothing accessories that has ever been created: mine SHE/THEM Pronouns. I love to push my gender agenda into the face of everyone.

8:30 p.m.: In our morning team meeting, I harbor my colleagues by politely correct them to my pronoun.

12:00 p.m.: I plan my top weekly surgery because I hate women.

12:05 p.m.: I change every bathroom sign of all women ALL GENDER. I also take all the free tampons and violate the toilets just because I can.

1:00 p.m.: I start a rumor that my employee is more cisender because he marries a heterosexual woman. My colleague tried to report to the HR department, but he doesn't know that the HR department is always on my side. I can be as heterophobic as I want at work.

2:00 p.m.: I spare my colleague how I spend my working day with it Dei Initiatives. There is no greater pleasure than working from hard -working white men.

3:30 p.m.: I leave the work early to go to the local middle school, where I stand outside and impressive children are convincing to join the cult for transgenderism and homosexuality.

4:30 p.m.: Flank from my army of Preteen Minions and go to my local library dressed for story hour. It is my unique task to corrupt the thoughts of these children and to bring them into the disgusting, sinful world of the transgender madness and gays.

4:45 p.m.: I have a little non -binary snack (Annie's organic white cheddar rabbits).

5:00 p.m.: I go to the football league of my adult women because I like to undermine women's areas with my dangerous gender violations. My existence outside the gender -specific binary offers me a hulk -like strength, the super speed and the crazy bone density, which helps me crush every woman on my way and practically destroyed the legitimacy and the talent that is connected to women's sports. We won 1-0. I supported the only goal of the game.

7:00 p.m.: After I made my super organic, cage -free, notGVOI installed dinner from the region with dinner to see television. It is difficult to choose what to watch when all media address my exact identity and no one else.

9:30 p.m.: I prepare for the bed in my apartment, which has become a gender -neutral bathroom. I won't stop until everything is a bathroom.

10:00 p.m.: I get in bed, exhausted by a whole day full of terrorized and cisgender people with my radical anti-gender ideology. I sleep firmly and know that tomorrow I can poison more innocent heads.