
Tips for Lebaran Homecoming, choose the right transport for safe and entertaining trips

Jakarta – Home home to your hometown is a tradition that many people have been waiting for during the oath. A long journey can be a pleasant experience if it is well prepared, especially when choosing a safe and comfortable means of transport.

The director for transport of, Andi Hendrawan, explained at a press conference in Jakarta that Lebearan was a special moment to look forward to. Therefore, various preparations must be made so that excursions to his hometown run smoothly, including the selection of the correct means of transport.

“One of the important things that need to be taken into account is the selection of the transport. It is better to order tickets early because the vacation plan is usually predictable,” said Andi.

When choosing the corresponding transport, Andi suggested that people buy tickets or book seats from a long time ago. For those who already know the date of return, you should order tickets immediately from the application to avoid price tips.

For example, employees who have the opportunity to buy tickets early on from March 24 to April 8, 2025 due to the work of WFA (WEWA) or students who start on March 21, 2025.

“In this way we can avoid increasingly expensive price and receive tickets that correspond to the budget,” he added.

Another tip that Andi conveyed was the choice of the type of transport based on the number of family members and the distance to travel. If you are traveling with a large family and a fairly long route, such as B. Interprovincial trips on the island of Java, the use of a train can be the right choice so that the trip is more comfortable and can continue to communicate with other family members.

In addition, many travel providers offer attractive promos that can make the trip more efficiently. The use of these promos can be a solution so that the costs for the house are more efficient.

“Don't forget to prepare the necessary equipment so that the return trip is more comfortable and funny,” said Andi.

The MP for the marketing of the Ministry of Tourism, Ni, made Ayu Martini that the public must also pay attention to weather forecasts from the meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency (BMKG) so that the trip remains safe and convenient.

“Uncertained weather can affect travel. Therefore, it is important to always check the weather information before departure so that the trips are not disturbed,” said.

With regard to safety, people who use buses or other land vehicles are recommended to ensure that the driver does not drive for more than six hours without rest. This is important to maintain security during the trip.

According to him, the security aspect must have a priority, so Lebaran Homecoming feels more comfortable. “Our main goal is to get to your hometown. If security is not guaranteed, the return experience can be less pleasant, even though the tickets are cheap,” he said.

In the meantime, the Ministry of Transport has carried out a survey on the potential movement of people during the 2025 eid home.

Based on the results of a survey in cooperation with Litbang Kompas, it is predicted that the number of travelers will reach 146.48 million people or around 52 percent of the total population of Indonesia this year.

The transport minister, Dudy Purwagandhi, showed that the highlight of the return flow on March 28, 2025 is required with an estimated movement of 12.1 million people. This phenomenon is driven by a work from the WFA directive (everywhere (everywhere) that enables more people to travel earlier.

In the meantime, the tip of the backflow will take place on D+5 Lebearan or April 6, 2025, with an estimated number of travelers reaching 31.49 million people. By moving in movement, careful preparation of the return of the key is to ensure a safe and comfortable journey for all travelers.

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