
The suspect in December in December Fatal Shooting in SE Austin Apartment Complex arrested

A man was arrested in connection with a fatal shootout, which occurred in December in an apartment complex in Southeast.

The 26-year-old Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Gomez was arrested in Manor on Thursday for the first degree of murder for murder against 34-year-old Mario Damian-Rayas.

The arrest was carried out by a multi-agency team, including the US marshal service Lone Star Fugitive Task Force, the APD Tactical Intelligence Unit, the APD K9 unit and the APD Crime Gun Intelligence Unit. Rodriguez-Gomez was in the 15200 block of the Sparks Run Road.

Previous reporting | The police from Austin, who examined after the man was found dead in the vehicle in SE Austin

According to the police, officials reacted to reports on a shootout to the Chevy Chase Apartments at Huntwick Drive at 9:25 p.m. on December 21, 2024. When arriving, they were not appealing to Damian-Rayas on the front of a vehicle with gunshot wounds. It was declared dead at 9:32 p.m.

Rodriguez-Gomez also looks like two additional arrest warrants for fatal behavior from the Sheriff of the Bastrop County, the police said. It is captured in the Travis County Correctional Complex with a bond of 1,010,000 US dollars.