
Reviews of the Democratic Party decrease to become low: survey


The view that the Americans of the Democratic Party have dropped to a record low.

A new CNN survey says that 29 percent look at the party positively.

The support was even under Democrats, and only 63 percent of the party members look at them positively.

Most Democrats say that they want their leaders to fight the GOP instead of compromising.

The survey was published on Sunday … only a few days before 10 Democratic Senator-Darunter The Senate President Chuck Schumer-with Republicans voted for a GOP-defined expenditure calculation to avert a state closure.

Hakeem Jeffries, Chairman of the House Minority, made clear … He refuses to the GOP Act and wants the Democrats of the Senate to kill in the upper chamber.

Jeffries rejected the repeated sought -after Friday as to whether he had confidence in the Senate leader after Schumer announced that he would join the Republicans to say goodbye to the legislation, …

In the meantime, “anti -Semitism in America” is postponed to security concerns.

Jewish activists planned to protest the events in which he accused not to stop anti -Semitism by not adopting the proposed law on the awareness of anti -Semitism.

The negative reaction to Schumer from his own party included the demand for representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from New York to challenge him in his next Senate.

When it comes to “the democratic leader, she” best reflects the basic values ​​”of the Democratic Party in CN-N's new survey …

10 percent of the respondents named Ocasio-Cortez …

9 percent said, former Vice President Kamala Harris … 8 percent appointed Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and 6 percent said that the house minority leader Jeffries was the house minority manager.

Alex Isenstadt, the high-ranking political reporter of Axios, said on “Inside politics Sunday” … Ocasio-Cortez as a favorite … is not so surprised …

Your climb somehow reminds me of what happened to the Republicans after Obama's elections in 2008. Where it was the loudest voice that was really gained traction at a time when the Republican party was lost and may be in a similar situation in AOC. Maybe she represents where there are democratic voters.

When the Democratic Party is looking for a new direction, they organize a number of town halls in Republican districts-in all 50 states.

Governor Tim Walz von Minnesota made the events in Iowa and Nebraska at the weekend.

During the election cycle, the GOP Democrats called and said that they were too much on cultural war issues and not concentrated on the economy.

Now many Democrats are convinced that Trump does not want to focus on problems with living costs and instead together with Elon Musk, want to make cuts in programs such as Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security in order to meet tax relief for billionaires and companies.

President Trump said that he would not fully reduce the social security, medical or medicaid services – and instead focuses on getting rid of the fraud in these programs.

With regard to the Republicans in the new survey of CN-N, the party had a slightly higher approval rate than Democrats of 36 percent.

For San, I am Craig Nülli.

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