
Night Watch renamed how children watch

Children's watches offer children an urgent care.

The urgent care health center for children at Graham Park Plaza, formerly known as Night Watch, is now children who are looking at Pediatrics & Dringing Care.

“This rebranding means our commitment to a trustworthy resource for families and offers a complete spectrum of pediatric services,” says the owner and pediatrician Ravneet Dhaliwal.

The children's guard is located on the 7263-f Arlington blvd. And is open from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Related history: The night watch offers health care after business time for children

Kids Watch has many new services, says Dhaliwal, including additional vaccines, borehole visits, annual corporations, mental health, healthcare for young people and a new room for breastfeeding mothers.

The facility keeps all urgent care services, including walk -in visits to sick children. Vaccinations for non -insured children; X -rays on site; and treatments for ear infections, pink eye, skin diseases, digestive problems, infections, allergies, head injuries and much more. Children's watch accepts patients on medicaid.

“We believe that the new name better reflects our commitment to be a reliable partner for the health and well -being of the children of Annandale,” says Dhaliwal. “We offer an inviting and supportive environment in which children receive the highest quality.”